Homebrew Class



My first attempt at a homebrew class. Feedback is welcomed.

Repository: Character Types

Well done. I’m always pleased with the simplicity of classes with ICRPG vs 5e. Puts the focus on gameplay, where it should be. :slight_smile:


I might replace the summoner with being able to activate an animal companion’s ability, like rather than having animals all with their own action, the beast master gets access to their animal companion’s special move, and if that’s a tiger, it’s pouncing on someone unawares for a lot of damage, and if it’s a hawk, it’s scouting the area, and if it’s the ferret, it’s moving a thing or stealing an object FAR from you. Real simple stuff like that to keep the action economy from going haywire.


Awesome, you’re mechanically using this class for more than what I imagined.


The only issue I see with applying this at the table is on-the-fly judging what all of those abilities will do.

What does channeling the spirit of an animal do? What are the STATS of summoned animals (I believe they’ll be taking actions)? What changes with the transformation? Do all of these take an ACTION, or do not require one?

Leaving that to GM fiat would have me putting choosing this class behind others that are more defined.

The Starting Loot has an issue discussed around the Bard already - the step-lock between ability and loot. If you choose channeller for ability, you’ll take the channeller’s stone because the others do not give you anything.


Ah, I understand. This was my first draft of my first attempt.