Hag Haven and First Post



Hello, everyone. I’m brand new to the forum after watching the YouTube channel for several months. The channel is very inspiring for creating fun, playable content. Instead of being a lurker of a wall flower I figured I would post what I’ve been inspired to make for my players…
Hag Haven, A Hag-themed one shot where the players are out to stop a coven’s dark spawning ritual being performed on abducted young ones from the countryside. Can they save the kids from the ritual before midnight???


First things first: WELCOME! :raised_hands:
The adventure sounds like it’s going to be a great time! Badass art too, dude! I’d love to hear how it turns out.


Likewise, diggin the art, and want to hear more :spider:


Well met! This looks like a lot of fun and has given me a lot of ideas just from the cool art alone. Really good stuff.


Welcome to the fold! :wave:t3:


Thanks for the warm welcome!


Hey Shields! I’m continuing to work on my Hag-themed One Shot. I subscribed to Inkarnate to use their map making tools. After using only traditional media for years, this is a nice change of pace. I plan on running the game virtually and in person via printing out the battle mats.

P.S. I hope you and yours are all well! I just got my second vaccine dose, and I’m riding the wave of less anxiety and cathartic D&D crafting