Had our first session of ICRPG


@OldBen ???

How did you end up handling the rotation mechanics? very interested.


@Lakins Oh! I forgot I was gonna respond! Thanks for the reminder.

On the GM turn I rotated all 3 circles 45 degrees as indicated in the ā€˜Crypt of Luanā€™ you posted.

I also used the ā€˜Heart Timerā€™ idea suggested by @JDStirling. Every 1ā¤ļø of effort done by players triggered an immediate dungeon rotation.
This was awesome because it made it accidentally splitting the party a real possibility!

I also made a new LOOT item hidden in a chest in middle ring: Rotation Reversal Gyroscope. Requiring a HARD Intelligence attempt, reverse rotate only the section of dungeon player is currently in.

This was fun and gave the players some control over the pace of the dungeon and could sometimes ā€˜unsplitā€™ the party when the Heart Timer did itā€™s job.

Overall, lots of fun!


wow , great ideas. im glad you got a good use out of that mapā€¦ lol

i hope you write up the dungeon with your plot ideas and mechanics and post it.


Dude, @OldBen, this is epic. I might use this in the very near future. Thanks for the update, man. :herocoin:


My plot ended up being super simpleā€¦ a magician has a lucrative quest he needs help with but he canā€™t decide between the players and a competing adventure group. So he sets up this dungeon up as a ā€˜tryout.ā€™ The players start at one entrance and the competing team starts at the other. First team to open the chest in the middle gets the contract.

I populated the dungeon with lots of 1ā¤ļø Skeletons and some chests. Nothing hard or dangerous as the emphasis was on speed.

I didnā€™t want to bog the game down with the competing team all having to fight stuff, so on the GM turn I simply rolled 1d20 to determin their progress.
1 = stuck in a fight, no progress
2-9 = move NEAR
10-19 = move FAR
20 = move Double FAR

I didnā€™t use the traditional ā€˜roll 1d4, in that many rounds X happens.ā€™ The progress of the opposing group served as the overall timer.
Though, as mentioned before, I did use the ā€˜Heart Timerā€™ to trigger extra rotations.

For the first half, the other team provided plenty of tension as everyone could see their progress. But once the players got the Rotation Reversal Gyroscope, they used it mostly to trap the other team. So the second half of the game didnā€™t have any tension as the players were obviously going to win.
If i were to do it again, Iā€™d probably have the other team find a LOOT item allowing them limited tunneling ability or something like that to hold dramatic tension throughout. Iā€™m kicking myself for not thinking if that until just now! Oh well, live and learn!


This is an awesome sounding game. Love the simplicity of the dungeon and how you had the rotation control the other team and the flow.