Ghost Mountain Types: the Preacher



This one isn’t quite done; I could use yer help, Shields.


  • fire and brimstone: without moving, roll WIS to engulf one sinful target in MAGIC fire.
  • little light of mine: roll WIS to summon a candle sized light for TIMER rounds. Undead and infernal entities cannot face or attack you for the duration.
  • leave this body: enter a trance in which your astral form may travel and observe the world for MAGIC rounds.

Starting Loot

  • rosary: bind any single CLOSE undead or infernal entity; they must answer questions; MAGIC damage if lying
  • cross: infernal entities and undead cannot approach closer than NEAR, and must move to that distance away; if they cannot move that far, they will huddle away for the cross as much as they can.
  • book: read, and roll WIS to distract MAGIC foes; as long as you read they can only move.

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A working pastor, trained theologian, and fan of spaghetti Westerns. Let me know if I can answer any questions.

As one suggestion, I’d recommend some abilities/loot that focus on supporting others or providing an aura rather than solely undead and infernal stomping.

One quick idea for you:

  • Preacher’s Collar: When you are within CLOSE range of your allies, their saves against fear are EASY.

Also, you might want to think how the Preacher is supposed to differ from the Old Timer.

Need advice on one shot i started working on

So you will want three types/starting abilities that have the same theme, but different play styles.


  • [Holy man] Rest In Piece: Your healing SPELLS damage undead creatures
  • [Exorcist] Leave this body: When dealing the killing blow on a DEMON, it is BANISHED
  • [Missionary] My Brothers Keeper: Allies that you inspire gain BASIC temp HP

Starting Loot

  • Holy Water: Bless an ally CLOSE to you, for d4 rounds they can add BASIC EFFORT (You roll once) to their EFFORT
  • Cross: always CRIT against demons
  • Book: Pick 3 non-elemental WIS spells
  • Beads:


I’d change this to [Shepherd] or [Pastor].


Cool idea. I was doing this in lieu of the old timer.


So, what does it mean for a demon to be banished? If you had to kill them anyway, is there a real benefit to banishing them, too?

What is inspiring an ally?


So is it merely a matter of flavor difference or is there supposed to be a capability difference?


I would say both; they are different things, but with some slight overlap in the Venn diagram of being sorta WIS caster types, but as you can see, I omitted any explicit mention of spells.


Aw, I like the old timer! My test character is keeper of the local cemetery, but his memory’s going…


I’m a fan of low fantasy, and I was wondering if that’s what you were trying to accomplish. I have ideas in this vein depending on how much you want to probe it.


The old timer has its place! This is a different thing.


In this case I was just separating spells from type, but I’d be stoked to see what ideas you’ve got.


This is a rough draft of some ideas I’ve had. I took inspiration from the Mariachi. My goal is to keep things like faith and hope from being an in game stat or some kind of gamey concept; I think a lot of theological and religious concepts should fall into roleplay. For that reason I don’t like the prayer aspects in this draft, but some of that could be separated by roleplay.

The Preacher

Some fight with guns. You proclaim the truth.

Oliver Cromwell: “Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry!”

Recommended Gear: Vulgar Scriptures, Heavy Jacket (+1 Armor), Six-shooter

Starter Reward, Choose One:

  • Original Languages Scriptures (When you preach, you roll GUN EFFORT instead of BASIC)
  • Preacher’s Collar (+3 CHA when preaching)
  • Shepherd’s Staff (When you pray, allies who hear you are comforted and heal BASIC)

Milestone Rewards:

  • Book of Prayers (+3 WIS when praying)
  • Shepherd’s Clothes (When you pray, allies who hear you recover from a CONDITION)
  • Megaphone (When you preach, you always CRIT against undead, demons, and heretics)
  • Cross (Allies who see you roll EASY against fear)
  • Preacher’s Notebook (Create sermons with an INT roll)
  • Sermon: Faith and Protection (When you preach, allies roll EASY to avoid harm)
  • Sermon: Judgment and Vengeance (When you preach, undead, demons, and unbelievers roll WIS or become afraid)
  • Sermon: Provision and Thanks (When you preach, your allies can go 1d4-1 (min 1) days without SUPPLY)
  • Sermon: Courage and Victory (When you preach, your allies roll EASY to attack)

NOTES: Preach = roll CHA. Effects based on roleplay and gear. Preach to attack an enemy? Sure!
Pray = roll WIS. Effects based on roleplay and gear. Pray for RECOVER? Sure! Pray to keep an ally from dying? Sure!


Love the freeform mechanics here, though I do worry a bit about making so many things doable under the purview of one or two stats; this could turn the PC into a bit of a swiss army knife.


I was wondering the same thing until I saw the Mariachi.

Otherwise I’m not sure what the “Songwriter’s Book” is exactly supposed to be for other than to “create” new sheet music. My thought was you have to burn one Milestone Reward to get the Book, then you have to burn other Milestone Rewards in order to get specific kinds of sheet music you can make. My thought was the same for the Preacher; he has to get his Notebook, then he can make specific kinds of sermons. I would think there would thus be a natural limit that you can’t stack sheet music (i.e., sermons).


Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. A little like spell creation. That’s pretty cool!