Forging a Dwarf - Free RPG Day June 24th



Hey Hey Everyone!

In celebration of Free RPG Day 2023 Melissa and I are giving out free copies of the Windstone Chronicles Forging a Dwarf. (You can grab it free the 23rd and the 24th!)

Unleash your inner dwarven hero with this incredible character creator for your next ICRPG campaign. Roll Tables, Adventure Hooks, Art, Maps. You will love it!

Also its a great kicking off point to discover the World of Windstone with 3 unique Dwarven Tribes in and around the Copperbind Forest.

You can grab a copy at or on DriveThruRPG.
or if you are a little like us and always question when something is “Free” email us at and we can send the pdf directly to you.


So badass! Thanks, Urbansunrises! :herocoin:


Free RPG Day is almost over. Hope you all found some cool swag today. We hit up our local shop. They didn’t have any free rpg stuff left, but we did pick up some cool minis.

Forging a Dwarf will be free for the rest of the day and all night.


Grabbed it! Excited to look it over tonight. Have a hero coin! :herocoin:


@KaneDriscol Thanks! Let us know what you think. We are always looking for feedback. The Copperbind needs new Dwarven blood!