First ever ICRPG Session


This game is sooooo frikkin versatile! It’s awesomeness surely knows no bounds?

The game is Cyberpunk, but set in 3535. It’s also set in my home town of Leeds as my 52 year old brother wanted to be able to imagine the game happening around him in the city.

I used stats from Apocalypse World (but changed HARD to STEEL to avoid confusion with hard rolls), and then used TAGS to define the characters a bit better.

We had an absolute blast!

The session ended when the PCs were trying to get the napalm canister free before the SWAT team stormed the laboratory. It was the last round of the night and the players knew it. The last player used his Hero Coin to get the canister free, but another player asked if he could free it and throw it at the SWAT team in one move.

“Sure. Roll a natural 20 and the canister explodes in the corridor as the bad guys get there.”

I’m expecting the canister to be freed (it’s only got a few HP left as there are three PCs trying to free it), but for that to end the session on a cliffhanger.

Everyone holds their breaths, and of course, this happens…

Totally, awesome end to a brilliant night. I feel like if you trust in the game, ICRPG kinda runs itself! Thanks for making this game exist in this dimension!


@BigGrump Thanks for the weapons advice. Worked a treat!


Welcome to the fold!
There is nothing better than ending a session with an ‘explosive’ cliffhanger.:+1:


I think @Runehammer pleased the dice gods with ICRPG because Nat 20’s seem to know when to turn up.


I was thinking that too - the player in my group was also a noobie and won’t be forgetting that first session in a hurry!