Fallout Adventure!


So I have been wanting to run a Fallout campaign with some of my friends. I have looked everywhere for some maps (Including Drive Thru RPG) but could only find Fallout rule books. Anyone know a simple way to make or find some maps? Let me know!




Google Earth. The first one is somewhere in London for more modern day. The second one is Colonial Williamsburg area for a more rustic feel.


Awesome! Put some grey/green filter on those pics and boom. Fallout.


I use this website (hopefully link works lol) . It gives you the choice to look at any world maps and then save them as various formats. I also tried to make this hex crawl style map of the commonwealth you can use it if you want (never used it anyway) I used the program Inkscape to make it (its free) sorry for the quality its a skill I’ve been trying to teach myself.


I pulled a few images from a Google image search using keywords “apocalypse maps.” Hope it helps get you to the type of maps you’re looking for.


It was kind of hit-or-miss with some of the images. Sometimes I’m not sure if Google understands the keywords. :sweat_smile:


Right! That’s what made it hard to find some of the maps I needed. Google has issues sometimes.


I love those maps you found @JDStirling!!!