Every fantasy Loot Cards



Ahoy Shieldwall!

I made all the fantasy loot cards for ICME, and Hank was kind enough to let me share these cards, maybe they will be good resources for fellow DMs out there. :slight_smile:

I made the cards based on the template of the https://card-forge.surge.sh/card-forge/ website. The ancient loot cards were made ready before. You can see them on this site: https://delacannon.itch.io/icrpg-100-basic-loot-cards. Most of the icons come from https://game-icons.net/.

And the Loot cards -
Common Loot cards:

Ancient Loot cards:

Shabby Loot cards:

Cursed Loot cards:

Bizarre Loot cards:

Epic Loot cards:

Magic Loot cards:

Also, here is my photoshop template for who wants to make their own :slight_smile:

Have wonderful holidays!
Game on!




@Kordor92 I was preparing the files to print and I think the Ancient Loot file is missing a couple of pages (only 91 items). Is that correct?

EDIT: Sorry, I found the itemsā€¦ Itā€™s just out of order! But theyā€™re there. Whatā€™s missing is item #001, ā€œMouldy Bunsā€, it starts from #002 ā€œLevitationā€


Thank for the notification!

I corrected the error! :slight_smile: You can get the new file on the same link


Iā€™m contemplating running a game for kids over the holidays and these just saved me a bunch of hastle! Thank you so much!

Hope you enjoy the holidays, however you spend them :snowflake:


Thanks again for this amazing work, man!


It very good to read:) I wish you great sessions:) Im introducing my non-nerd family to icrpg:)


Excellent work!

Iā€™ve used icons from game-icons.net before. I notice you often combine different icons together. How do you do that? Do I need Photoshop?


No, Photoshop is not mandatory, you can do that with any image editor, which can work with svg, png files and layers. A good free example is GIMP.


Thank you so much for that!


Thank you! These are so awesome!


WOW! Amazing, with this my daughter will be even more hooked, thanks!


Random question, is that a huge D20 that I see on the table? Whatā€™s the size and where did you get it? Iā€™ve been looking for one with very big numbers.


@Fire-Dragon-DoL Yes itā€™s a d20, but the numbers on it are in sequence from 1 to 20. Itā€™s for Magic the Gathering. Iā€™m from Hungary, so if I told you where I got it, it wouldnt help much:) the best way to find one I think: 2 inch Magic the Gathering life counter:) hope I could help


These are awesome!! Already printed out a bunch, thank you!

How do you use the curse-forge site? I create and save my card, but donā€™t see how to retrieve themā€¦ any tips would be great. Iā€™m excited to create my own


@GB_phd Yea, the site is not functioning right now. You can make a card, then right click on the card and save as an image.
If you have Photoshop, you can use my template from here. :slight_smile:
If you donā€™t have, I suggest you to check out my other post, where I shared a .pdf template for people, who donā€™t have photoshop. :slight_smile: Just download (I suggest you to open it with Adobe Reader, so you can insert image for the card), and fill the fields.


Right on. Thanks for the tips! Canā€™t wait to use some of these


this resource may be a violation of the creative commons rules, as it ā€˜givesā€™ away material directly copied from the book, and takes my think deck back artworkā€¦ ponderingā€¦


also am I seeing my artwork directly pasted into these? That would also be against the rulesā€¦


It can be, and Iā€™m very sorry if thatā€™s the case, I sent you image of them and asked in e-mail before the post, maybe I should have been more clear.
Your art is used for the common loot cards, and the back.
What should I do, delete the post, delete your art from the common cards and the card back. The text is also copy paste, should I delete the whole post? Iā€™m really sorry, donā€™t want to make any disturbing things.