Enemies attacking other enemies?


Hey everyone! Just ran my first session of C&S this weekend and we had a blast. I ran the fire-kin scenario and then led the players into the first part of Storm Point Asylum. While in the castle ruin section of storm point, my players were struggling against the Crumpled Armor and so they had to disengage but on their next mapless dungeon roll they rolled the same location and encountered Agni. No one is wanting to fight her so they decide to lure Agni toward the Crumpled Armor and we let the dice determine that the Armor are mindless automatons that will attack anything in their path. They succeed on their rolls so Agni is now face to face with the Crumpled Armor but since enemy stat blocks are designed to be used against the player and not other enemies i didnt know how to proceed and ended rolling a d8 for damage against agni’s DEF.
Has anyone come across this sort of situation in their game, and if so how did you deal with it?


I have come across this situation and dealt with it this way:

There is no perfect balance or translation to this.

Using an Opposed Flat Roll against each other to narratively decide what the outcome is, based on degree of success/failure.

  • Give modifiers based on the ATK/DEF difference (If Creature A has ATK of 5 and Creature B has DEF of 3, the final mod for Creature A is +2)
    • Do this calculation for each creature
  • Roll FLAT d20 for both parties and lowest roll wins, add the Modifier above to the degrees of success and narrate the situation

So if there is a huge difference, then the winning side overwhelms the other. If the margin is tight, then it’s barely a victory for the winning side. If the roll is a tie, then we are locked in a dead heat and the PCs can tip the scales to whatever side they need.

NOW! If the situation is where three or more groups are involved in a combat conflict, situations are starting to get wild!

Easiest way I found is that for every few ATK points the creature has, increase the Die type by 1 grade.
ATK 0 = d4
ATK 1 = d6
ATK 2 - 3 = d8
ATK 4 - 6 = d12
ATK 7+ = 2d12 + whatever Defense ignoring effects you wish

Add additional flavoring based on the Attrition description and attack type.

This should get you going a bit.


Interesting! I really like the idea of creating Flat Rolls based on ATK and DEF for each enemy.