D6 system playtest



Hail shield wall.

I just punched together a d6 system based on a bit of everything found on the web from many of my favorite systems plus a whole lotta my own innovations. Wondering if you can review and pick out any glaring faults or issues I could run into when I introduce a bunch of newbs to the genre? My goal is to start them out with this basic system and maybe a year later if we are still playing, I will bring them to my much more expansive system.

It’s about 90% finished. I need to add milestones for levelling and give credits for the art I used. For now, I need input.

Updated version: Drengr v3.2


How does this compare to EZD6? Anyone know?


No idea. I have EZD6 but have yet to go through it. Other than the standard 2d6 and 1d6 vs 3d6 for advantage and disadvantage which all d6 systems more or less use. I needed some kind of tag when I started the post so I chose that one.

Update. I changed the tag. Not sure if it’s much better though. lol


I am spotting a whole bunch of fixes to make. I will be on this tomorrow. Funny how you don’t spot the stuff until you post the thing up. Typical.


So reading over this. I love the dice pool system. Always do. But unless I missed something on the slim, the better you are at something the worse it becomes.

Ie: if I’m rolling 5d6 and I get 4, 5s and a 1. I fail and achieve nothing. The more dice you throw the better the chance it is to get a 1 and fail. I don’t know the math or percentages, but it’s better to not put any points in what you wanna be good at. Lol.

A fix could be for each 1 filled, cancel a success.
If 3 1s show critical fail if 3 6s show critical success.

But I like where your going.


I’m reworking the issues I found right now and you caught the same one I did. I also in turn have done what you suggest. Every 1 cancels out a 5 or 6. Once you have removed them, whats left tells the story. If you have a 1 left… fail. If you have several 1’s left… BIG fail. And vice versa. I have also implemented a “more than one 6” rule. If what is left on the table is 2 or more 6’s… you have a great success but you also get to put a d6 aside to be used at any time you want to boost your roll. You can set aside max 3d6. This kind of works like Luck in a sense I figure.

Thanks for the time to review and your comment. I appreciate it.


Yeah man. For sure. I like dice pool games even though I won’t get to play them with my group.

And the changes make sense for sure.

Good work. And good luck.
Can’t wait to see more.