Creating Loot



Does anyone have a specific way of creating new loot? How do you come up with new loot ideas? So many questions, so little time!


You can create a type of LOOT to fit a function or class. When I made the Chronicles classes, I gave them LOOT based on how envisioned then to work. So, for example, I made the Armsman to help manipulate the battlefield with his weapons. Or my version of a mage, the Arcanist, has LOOT to boost spellcasting.


I talk to my players between sessions and get ideas from them as to what they think would be cool and try to make a LOOT item based around their ideas.


At my table, most new loot is connected to new enemies. The feel of the new villain or group of bad guys inspires the new loot to fit their theme. Then players can gain the new loot as they engage the new enemies.


i like that way of thinking! Leads to a more living world than just dropping random loot. sometimes i use the random loot method for example when they loot a old barn or something.
But the topic Question:
I take ideas from everywhere: other RPGs, Games, Movies, Comics and so on. Just make them fit your game. Best loot inventions came from my players😁
just ask them what they want to see and try to make it fit or twist their ideas


I was going to suggest the same thing. Having loot based on the essence of the monsters or environment also gives the feeling of the uniqueness of the item and serves as a trophy of that adventure.


My loot creation is geared towards a few things… a tool that will come in handy down the road in the story that they are unaware of and help them defeat or get a leg up in that confrontation or sometimes geared towards a players character. This is interesting because even though I made it with the rogue in mind, the fighter finds it and wants to use it. This can really add to the dynamics in the group or create multi classing in a way. I am a strong believer that a wizard can wear full plate mail armor, use a long sword, be 6’7" tall and 265lbs. I do not restrict my players by classes. It’s like a guitar player being allowed to only play the blues if that is the genre he chose at startup of the hobby. That guitar player can never work in IT or do any hard labor ever again because he is a blues player. lol. Anyways, off topic. I create it and make it interesting but I like to throw in a “but” in its description. It can do this but if you use it, this is the cost.