Conditions - Brain Dump



Brain dump of an idea…


Things like: Burning, Frozen, Bleading… Other?

You would take 1d4 damage at the start of your turn.

After damage, for free, you roll the D4 again to try and remove the condition. Removed by rolling a 4.

You can have a skill/ability/trait/tag etc of FIRE RESISTANCE (+1 a D4 save roll)

You could also remove some conditions by spending a turn to; put yourself out, improvise a bandage…

Frozen you would not be able to personally remove but someone could help you or cast a minor fire spell on you.

Let me know what you think! Just came to me whilst playing around with some other bits. Easy to remember, roll 1d4 for damage, roll 1d4 to remove the condition. You might have a + in your skill / trait list.


Great stuff, man, love it. :metal: :herocoin:
I use a similar mechanic in my game Mutation RPG, a D6 based system. The die roll is the effect each round, but the effect ends on 1. I use it for most conditions and some toxins.


This isn’t the same idea, but as often happens, your cool idea got me thinking. What if the condition duration was decided by a recovery action? So, it goes on until either the PC spends their action recovering, or successfully makes a check to recover. Kinda saves anyone from remembering to track it, since they have to do something to end it. It could even go with this. Anyway, just a thought. Hope this plays out well at the table for you.


I also have that as part of the conditions in Mutation, hehe. Great minds and all that. :metal: