Attribute Pools as a Resource




Mechanical background: The Cypher System

I’m a big fan of the Cypher-System and I love the resource management aspect the system uses.
In the Cypher system you have three attribute pools: MIGHT, SPEED, INTELLECT.
Each attribute has a point value that’s not only a reflection of your character’s build, but also doubles as a resource and your overall hitpoints. Whenever you roll a check, you can decide to spend points from one of the pools to lower the difficulty of a given task.

There’s a little math involved and some extra rules but the main idea is: every task has a level from 1-10. The target number is the level times 3, so a level 3 task would have a target number of 9. Checks are rolled with a d20 without any modifiers. A level 7 task is of course impossible, unless you spend points out of your attribute pools to lower the level of the task (and therefore its target number). You have to spend 3 points to lower the level by 1. Certain things I won’t go into detail here allow you to do this more than once or to pay less than points overall.

Characters in the Cypher system do not have separate hitpoints. Their pool-totals are their HP in a way. When all three are depleted, the character is dead.

Attributes as ressource pools in ICRPG

So what does that mean for a game of ICRPG? Simple. We say goodbye to our beloved six stat array and introduce three attributes that serve as attribute pools and our health.
Whenever a MIGHT check is called the player decides if they want to spend points from their stat. Every point spend adds +1 to the check. When a player takes damage, they take it to one of their attributes.
But what about niche specialization? If a wizard can decide to spend as much for a MIGHT task as a barbarian can for an INTELLECT task, aren’t they all going to be the same?
Yes. That’s why there has to be some sort of cap on how much you can spend in a given attribute. This can be tied to “character classes” to make sure warriors have a higher cap for MIGHT-based tasks while wizards have a higher cap for INTELLECT-based tasks. Different classes can also come with different starting values for their attribute pools so fighter-types will have more MIGHT points than INTELLECT points etc.

More ideas

If we want to take even more ideas from the Cypher system we can also tie using abilities by spending points from one of the pools or have players choose if they want to spend points to add as modifiers or to add to the damage.
So maybe a fireball doesn’t require an INT check to do MAGIC, but rather an INTELLECT check that does MAGIC (+1 additional point of INTELLECT the player spent to add to damage instead of modifying the roll).

There’s a lot more I could think of that could be ported from the Cypher system to ICRPG, but I’ll leave it at that. what’s your take? What do you think? Maybe we should just play the Cypher system? :smiley:
Take care y’all. :slight_smile:


What a coincidence, I was looking into the Cypher system for the past few days. This takes one of its best ideas and makes it even simpler to use. I’m really curious to try this.