Anyone else do concept art before character creation?



My brother is resurrecting an old Sword and Sorcery game from 2018. I found the art in the back of the binder and instantly recalled everything about the character and how cool the game was.
I do it for all my characters, as its easier to show than describe what ya look like. Or, is it just me. Scifi, Fantasy, really grounds me in the concept save a huge backstory. But, those are fun to.

My brothers and friends always tease me for it, but I can not be the only one out there…let me see some of your works. Thanks.


Or…are you the find and paint a miniatures type? That inspires your concept?


Very cool art!

Here are a couple of portraits of my character in Warp Shell - Mewler:
Using a note taking app, and then in Krita.


Nice, I brought it up after watching Ultimate Effort Shows, character creation without a book episode.

Also, your dice are always amazing works of art too.


Thanks for the kind words!


Amazing art, man! I love it. I have no art skills, but I definitely search for art to inspire and solidify characters.


Art is in everyone my friend, do not sell yourself short. If you have a GM/Player journal, your doing it right!


The idea that it is a ‘gift’ doesn’t really hold up. So much can be learnt, just like any other skill, and of course requires practice - sometimes more, sometimes less.


I always love seeing the visions Azmani brings to our games. His designs are always inspiring!


I like random stats to inspire me for characters. Art follows some discovery by rolling, most of the time. Then sometimes some art. I find I don’t ever seem to land on a single idea if looking for a piece that really reflects what I want to play, and I think if I were to draw it, I’d only ever play what I thought I could easily draw, so I let the dice speak, and then find something that fits, or crank out a fabulously out of proportion drawing. :sweat_smile: Tons of fun.


I’m a technical drawing guy myself…people are not my jam. So, I understand completely, how it can be intimidating to put idea to paper.

Self discovery is awesome, I’ve had a few character concepts completely 180 on me as the games went on. Corporate fixer turned envoy trader…didn’t see it coming, but loved everything about in.

Also, one-shot pre-gens that develop into something memorable is always a blast.


Wow that’s some dope ass work - I love the laser, that’s really cool.

Never try to get too crazy with art work before or even at character creation. The life of a RPG character is generally a short and merry one, at least in the games I tend to play.

My two drachma,