AND another character sheet!


Hey hey! I just wanted to let you fellow warriors check out the character sheet I made in Incarnate. We call my game DeadEvil haha. It’s pretty much ICprg with a few extra elements we play with. let me know what yall think and Thanks!


This looks great! I am impressed that you made this using Inkarnate, I would never had thought of making a character sheet that way.


I love it, gives me real classic old school RPG vibes - appropriate for ICRPG!


thanks! Yea my skills are limited, to say the least. So I figured to try it with inkarnate. I did lighten it up quite a bit though.


Reminds me of something straight out of a 90s computer game manual. Well done!


Great sheet! Very old school. We old farts approve lol. :+1:t2: