A introductory dungeon to ICRPG, english translation?



I wrote a script that can be used to introduce new players to ICRPG, the only issue here is that it is in french… this is my first language.

So do you want me to translate it ? I’ll do it with pleasure. :slight_smile:

The pdf is at the end of this article.


The more content ICRPG has the better. :slight_smile:


Yes please that would be great!


Je peux t’aider à le traduire, si tu veux ! :smile:


yes, please, that would be great.


Translation is done, now we’ve just got to wait for @JulesWalther’s review.


Ok, @BlazingPolyhedronhas provided me with great insights about what i could add and translated it.

I don’t know when i’ll find the time to rework it but it will be done for next week. ^^

Thanks to you all ! ^^


I don’t speak French, but Google does. And thanks to JulesWalther I’ve used Google to translate his adventure, and am authorized to share it.

Now if only I was able to post it.


@RegVonWer You should be good to go now as far as posting links.


@JulesWalther, appreciate you sharing. Mind if I ask how you did the map?
