PbtA elements in ICRPG



i already use this in my games it adds to the depth of the session plus it gives the player a choice if succeeding is worth it. SImple but profound

my rule of thumb is as long as they meet the easy target a partial success can be offered


Not yet. I wanted to get some feedback on here first. I’m looking at next weekend if I can get some victims… I mean playtesters.


I really like the simplicity of this. Might be fun to add some tough choices to my players in these sorts of situations.


Agree with extreme prejudice! Moves, be they Basic, Class, Heritage, Earned (XP or Loot), etc., provide a large framework for players to “find” what they could attempt - while constrained by the environment, blah - blah. Analysis Paralysis quickly overwhelms.

Many die mechanics or range tranches can emulate the 6, 7-9, 10-12 of PbtA. Both for RPG and TT wargaming, I’m working on a playable version of the PbtA method. For TT wargaming the “6-” is a referee activity or target action (like opportunity fire). 7-9 is the Success “BUT” range, and the 10-12 is the Success “AND”. Wargamers love tables so these states have corresponding d10 or d12 outcome tables. This creates a 1 or 10, 12 critical fail or success on that secondary roll. RPG gets this treatment: 6- is GM Full Action, 7-9 is BUT = GM adjusts within desired narrative, 10-12 is AND resulting in a GM and Player coordinated “Better” / “Best” narrative. Eeeks, am I this late to the thread.


I wanted to reply here, but then my response somehow turned into a separate post. So here it is: Make failures more interesting: degrees of success in ICRPG