Hillman's Belt link unsecure or nonexistent



There is an old thread that discusses this from '18. However, the links are unsecure or to the old Google+ community. Could someone give a quick rundown of the synergy for Hillman’s Belt and Wildling?



There are some good takes here. I am partial to Runehammer’s take and my own, but there are several ways to skin this topic.


@hellfire6a, you may be interested in the blog post I wrote about it back in the day, the Hillman Wildling Dilemma.

Things I would change since then after a few more years playtime: @Alex is right, the character shines in certain situations, but is not really “OP.” I love playing the more skills-based characters, so being able to do a lot of BASIC effort is clutch for my builds. However, the range limitation comes up VERY quickly with the right GM. This alone balances the class, and in my experience parties are happy to have at least one character capable of opening locks/doors/traps quickly. Cheers!


Where is Hankerin’s take. I found what you re-posted last night, but haven’t seen his comments.


All this wisdom here:

At character creation, this item has been debated as over powering to other character’s ability. And yes, unarmed combat becomes very effective, as does lockpicking or deciphering clues.

Consider, though, that this is primarily limited by the BASIC containment type. Sure, a young wildling has immense punching power, but as their loot evolves, that bonus is eclipsed by the capabilities of items and weapons. Basic is not ranged, either.

The issue, I think, is the perception that day 1 melee damage output is such a huge measurement of a character’s worth. I have yet to roll a wildling, because playing the ‘fresh outta nature’ character is VERY limiting to me…

does that help? remember too…any item that seems to upend the fun in your game get modded or dumped!


Addition or replacement have worthy arguments for each. Actually hadn’t even occurred to me.

The thing that struck me was how versatile this CLASS could be. Sure a Hillman Wildling seems pretty intimidating, but how about a Elf Wildling? All of a sudden we get the potential of a credible second story man or native Sheerluck Holmes. This works for BASIC EFFORT for any STAT; thus any Bio-Form. The critical issue for any character with the Wildling class becomes Bio-Form choice and STAT pick. It is kind of like reading the old RE Howard Conan books where Conan fills all these different roles because of his native talent and intellect. Finally, the question of what is BASIC EFFORT has to be asked/answered for each STAT. Maybe the GM will rule that a simple thrown rock constitutes a BASIC ranged attack. (Just to NEAR range). The aforementioned Sheerluck would observe a scene or location for clues during a crime using his INT +4 to determine the result of a prolonged investigation. The second story man would free climb without use of ropes or other climbing aids (a la 24601 (Jean Valjean). The STATs are key to making any EFFORT to begin with. The GM and the PCs can work together to determine what BASIC EFFORT really is. The limits are built in relevant STATs and delineation of what is or is not BASIC EFFORT for those STATs.

I could see that some people would automatically assume that such a character would be limiting a Wildling Sleuth can’t go to the library and get the same ULTIMATE EFFORT. However, he could still get the same WEAPONS EFFORT as anyone else. Within a narrow niche (ones they have created by their choices and picks) Wildlings can be very good at prolonged tasks and just as good as anyone else at tasks outside their purview. Narrative, agreement from the GM, and the table, can make the Wildling a great choice for a wide range of classes and character archetypes.

Imagine Professor Gronk, of BFE Extremis, stature and countenance of Andre the Giant, tweed clad, meerschaum pipe, pince nez, wreathed in smoke, lecturing a class at Oxford on the vagaries of chaos theory, all the while reasoning out who poisoned the King’s loyal valet. The Hillman’s belt opens a wide range of possibilities for the Wildling class, but it seems that the only posts I can find are about Melee combat and how limited Wildings are because they don’t understand or benefit from technology.
