Xevos Command: Broken Sword Operations debrief by Dji-Tan


This is a report from one of the Immortals Broken Sword games with Hank. My first report can be read here: Marooned on Aster 12 . I’ve tried to write a part of the debriefing questionaire by the Xevos command on how we destroyed the Imperial base. Hope you enjoy it, it was a great game. I also hope some others from my squad may share their experience.

Xevos command: Broken Sword Operation debrief by Dji-Tan

Squad: Krall, Thee, Dji-Tan, Ezzerharden. They had help from a monk named Rhux.

Q: We were told that you had crashed on Aster-12 but stayed in cryosleep. Can you tell me what happened?

A: Indeed. We woke up 20 years in the future and our ship was crawling with spiders and hatching spider eggs. We needed to retreat outside before we could re-enter our ship Nebuchadnezzar. Our Yog crystal was depleted so we tried to find a new crystal to power up the ship.

Q: So you didn’t go to the Imperial base immediately, like your mission required, but searched for Yog first?

A: True. We woke up without any memory of our mission and in too much stress to check. After we had found the Yog crystal in the jungles, we came back to a giant Great Mother spider on our ship. We blew it to pieces and then checked our mission. We got a transmission from another Broken Sword squad on the planet.

Q: What happened next?

A: The locals were angry that we killed the Great Mother. We tried to reason with them, but only the Torton Monk Rhux agreed. After defending ourselves from the cultists, iced clouds frosted the whole landscape and we took the rover to Rhux’s hideout to plan the fall of the Imperial base.

Q: You attacked the Imperial base and managed to ping their location to us. Can you tell us what the battle plan was?

A: Krall took the lead with his bullet deflection armor. He made sure that we could take a good position against the Squags and against the Imperator. He also threw a Yog crystal bomb to the engine that was powering the Jump module. When it blew up they couldn‘t send the waves anymore, nor bring new Squags to the planet.

Thee disappeared with his stealth module to walk across the field to the Glass Obelisks and Floating Brains that were fixing the machinery. He killed one of the brains, making sure the base of Imperial operations was defeated.

I took a defensive position trying to keep Krall alive, while Rhux, the Torton Monk, also inspired us and kept us alive.

Q: How did you destroy the Imperator?

A: Krall did. First, we made sure he couldn’t fly away in his space jet by blowing up the engines. Then, when the Imperial base had no use anymore, Krall shot a grenade in the leg of the Imperator, making it cripple and unable to move. We were still surrounded by a lot of Squags, but it was then that Thee, again invisible, moved to the space jet and sent a message to Xevos Command. They came just in time, freeing us from our battle and able to finish off the base with ease.