What was the little architecture book?


Really quick question. In one of Hank’s old Youtube videos, he recommends a book on architecture. I think it was a little red one.

I watched through some of the book review videos, and couldn’t find it. Does anyone remember what it was?

Thanks y’all


101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, by Matthew Frederick. :blush::+1:


Yeah, I just located the video with it LOL. The video is called Lair of Knowledge: Unities of Architecture.


Legend, thank you!!



Ah sweet, thank you too :blush:


Hmm he has another one that might be interesting, “101 Things I Learned in Urban Design School”.


Yeah that sounds like a good one too. I went to school for Architecture and I remember reading some of those basic concepts and philosophies type books and they were intriguing indeed.


I LOVE seeing this! I actually have the book because I was studying architecture for a while, but it is VERY useful when thinking about DMing! I just don’t think I ever thought of it that way before.


I’ve taken a peek at that one a little while back. It would definitely be useful for map making of cities