What is Hatt Martins' role in the campaign



Hey I’m currently looking to prep the Into the sunset campaign for ghost mountain. I’m not sure I quite understand what’s Hatt martins role supposed to be, he seems important, things start with him and such but at the same time he is barely mentionned.
I know I can do what I want with it but I’d like to know if I’ve missed something and/or what people who have run this campaign have chosen to do with him.


Yeah hes sort of an anchor character the GM can run with. one of the western tropes of the kid trying to save his family from the bad guys.

If you plan on following Into the Sunset with Road to Salvation, Hatt will need to ‘win’ (whatever that looks like to you), as the intro mentions him as a Link into Road to Salvation.

I cant wait to GM these myself, as its a cool world.