Weapon effort


Hey there,

I see weapons that allow you to do magic effort (d8) instead of weapon effort (d6). In the event you have a character with a high weapon effort bonus and low magic effort bonus, would you allow them to use their weapon effort bonus with the magic effort dice? Or do they use their weaker magic bonus? Thanks.


I’d allow them to add the bonuses and use them with their magic weapon, as it is both magic and a weapon.

But see p.24 of the core. This scenario is covered. Use whichever bonus is better.


Says it right in there twice! Missed that, thanks a lot.


Hehehehe. Always happy to help. It seems like I miss stuff in the book every day. And, sometimes what I think it says, and what it actually says, are two very different things! :smirk:


Sometimes I forget how just how much this game wants the player to have fun.


That’s generally my take. Heroes should feel like heroes. That’s how I have always tried to run my games, and ICRPG became the perfect set of tools to help me set players up for that kind of experience.


Finishing the last battle vs set and sarvas on youtube. You guys definitely know how to have a great freakin time gaming. Amazing campaign.


Hey, thanks man! I appreciate the feedback


Merra delivered 186 damage with one arrow to Sarvas’s head. That was so fun.


Dude, merra was insane, wish I could of seen her use the last bow, also Jerruns sword. You guys killed it, insane ending. Deserves many more views.