Warp Shell One Shot



Hi All!

I recently ran a one-shot fantasy ICRPG game at my friendly local game store, and it was well received. So, I’m thinking of running a one-shot for the Sci Fi version of ICRPG.

Anyone have good recommendations for a one-shot Warpshell game? I would need to go from start to finish (including character creation, unless I bring pre-gens) in under 3 hours.

This is for an open RPG night that allows people to just show up and experience RPG’s. I’ve hosted a game twice, and both times it was attended by at least one person who was new to RPG’s, so whatever I bring to the table needs to be friendly for first-time players (and that is one of the reasons I like to use rules light games like ICRPG).


Last Flight of the Red Sword is always the go-to for Warp Shell one shots using ICRPG.

You can find it here, under the Adventures Collection:


Thank you! I was able to find the PDF. Hopefully I can post here after I run the game :sunglasses:


Red Sword is the bomb. I played it for 4 players, and they almost got wiped out, I dont think they could have taken the big boss monster. luckily they chose to bail out. if you have 6-8 players it could be a hoot.

Mercury Dale is another good possibility, it should be in the same adventure book.


Hi All,

Thanks for your guidance here. I ended up using Last Flight of the Red Sword, but playing it with the DREAD system (where you use a Jenga tower for resolutions).

To give the game more of a horror/suspense feel, I added the detail that the Reptoids were formerly humans who had been mutated by the dark star! I also said player characters came out of warp because of damage to both their navicomputer and their power crystals.

So the basic objective was to repair the navicomputer and power crystals with borrowed parts from the Red Sword, and do it quickly while defending themselves from the reptoids, because each time the dark start threw off an energy wave, it was mutating the player characters into reptoids.

We had a great time.


Thats great ! thanks for posting the results.

Interesting twists you added there. Its always good to have variations in pocket to use.


Alex DM’ed a fun Alien themed one shot a few years back, it was one of the videos that got me hooked on the ICRPG system, this one is from last year… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUM9bvAyBe4

hope this helps give you some ideas.