Thanks to Marcus Burggraf for doing most of the legwork!



If you play online and use Tabletop Simulator and the ICRPG custom table I made, Marcus Burggraf has taken the time to put together the BIZARRE LOOT DECK of cards!! My personal gratitude and everlasting love goes to Marcus, these cards require alot of time to put together. THANKS SO MUCH

you can find the new deck on the table here.


You can see it in the video here.


Really cool. Would it be possible to clarify that the included resources have been cleared by Hank to be derived from his work?


Of course they were, via email almost 2 years ago before any work started on the icrpg table for TTS.


Amazing! Are these available outside of TTS? Would be wonderful to download them for printing :slight_smile:


They are not, I am actually not sure how you could export the images from the cards. If you could do that, you could have the deck sent to a printer and have a personal deck printed I would imagine.