Session "Elmo"



Yus, so, I decided not to give numbers to sessions anymore!

Part of this is because I have prep for two sessions that I did not use and I’d rather not get mixed up with numbers from all over the place! The likes of:“Playing session #9 but using the notes of session #3…” etc.

So, two sessions ago only two players could make it. So, I made a short horror adventure happen in an abandoned Loxodon temple where the party met a monstrous demigod Grootslang, a giant snake with the head of an elephant. This creature demanded them to bring him an NPC they’ve known for a while… this session scared the smurf out of 'em! I was pretty satisfied with that session!

This led to a dungeon, Mervoss’ Old Tower. There, they went through most floors in a session but we stopped right before the boss. Most people were too tired to continue, including me, haha! XP

Beside, I made a few mistakes like using a randomizer to map out the dungeon during the game! Players have a much better time when they can see patterns. There was none, during that game. And even the most shy of players admitted to having a lot less fun during that session, compared to the other ones and even other campaigns they played in! :star_struck:

I also misused the Tension Pool suggested by the AngryGM from the same blog… so, yeah, maybe not ready for that kind of thing. Or, at least, not a mix of those mechanics? We’ll see… I returned to d4 timers pretty quickly: more reliable, anyway!

Good decision, that session was back to a lot of fun. Then again, quite the battlecentric scenario as they went through three rooms of Clockwork Goblins, Petrol Elemental and a Mecha-Flayer and possessed Robo-Loxodon!

The Clockwork Goblins had for strategy to pile up on the players, slowing them down and giving themselves plenty of opening for attacks of opportunities! When they blew themselves up, every CG on the player would explode as well (no save) to deal d6 damage per CG!

The Petrol Elemental had the players fight in a fountain from step to step as it moved around, pushed them down to fall with damage. They had to run after him making Acrobatic checks! Great fun!

They arrived into the final chamber after grabbing a magic key to turn the fountain into a portal and engaged the Mecha-Flayer, priest of the Mechanicar, and the NPC now a possessed cyborg! I mixed up the turn orders a bit during the second round but the Loxodon would play twice per round to make the battle more fair and more dynamic: I like the idea of a monsters being worth two of them or to have attacks that break up the players “nuke”.

One PC died, sacrificing himself to jump into the furnace with the Mecha-Flayer, cancelling two more phases of the fight and revealing a dire threat to the party… now, the Loxodon sacrificed himself and the players have gained new powers for their deeds! :smiling_imp: