Runehammer Shop Grand Opening


It’s true. The Runehammer Shop is opening on September 14 in Philadelphia. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP here, as well as finding all the key details:


All the best for a great start! :sunglasses::+1::star_struck::rocket:


Congratulations and blessings on this event from California!


I’m gonna be there and bring a few of my players along for good measure. I’m so excited to see how everything turned out!!

Edit: And yes, I RSVP’d on the app. :slight_smile:


Oh! Any live streaming on YouTube? :grin::joy:


I think you’ll just have to be there.


Ha, I wish I could, but I live at the other end of the world. :grin::joy:

I hope it is a good start and you all have a wonderful time! :+1::rocket: