Roll20 Macros - Automate the your rolls!



Hail! Shield Wall brethren,

If you’re utilizing Roll20 to run ICRPG games during the STFH, then this post is for you! (Potentially.) All of the below content relies upon the wonderful work done by @Seraphim & @Twotricks, noted in THIS THREAD. If you haven’t given them kudos for their work, YOU SHOULD! The below macros are built for use with the Index Card RPG Core 2e character sheet made by those awesome dudes mentioned above. With that out of the way, on to the meat and taters as B would say…

I’ve worked a lot on a list of macros that utilize this sheet’s attributes. In order for these to be useful, you need to place them in your Collections tab as a macro and then set them visible on your macro bar, OR you could place them as an “ability” within the character sheet (Open character > Attributes and Abilities Tab > Add, Paste, test). From there, you could make them token macros OR have them added to the macro bar as well. I shared a single player sheet with the players and had them check the box to add the macros to their own macro bars so they were always visible.

Here’s some of them:

ATTEMPT Roll + EFFORT Roll. Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking. Prompts the player to select a STAT then an EFFORT type.

&{template:default} {{name=Attempt by @{selected|character_name}}} {{?{STAT
| Strength, Strength=[[1d20+@{selected|strength}]]
| Dexterity, Dexterity=[[1d20+@{selected|dexterity}]]
| Constitution, Constitution=[[1d20+@{selected|constitution}]]
| Intelligence, Intelligence=[[1d20+@{selected|intelligence}]]
| Wisdom, Wisdom=[[1d20+@{selected|wisdom}]]
| Charisma, Charisma=[[1d20+@{selected|charisma}]]
}}} {{?{Which Effort?
| Basic, Basic Effort=[[1d4+@{selected|basic}]] 
| Weapon, Weapon Effort=[[1d6+@{selected|weapon}]] 
| Magic, Magic Effort=[[1d8+@{selected|magic}]] 
| Ultimate, Ultimate Effort=[[1d12+@{selected|ult}]] 

Simple CHECK Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking. Prompts the player to select a STAT.

&{template:default} {{name=Attempt by @{selected|character_name}}} {{?{STAT
| Strength, Strength=[[1d20+@{selected|strength}]]
| Dexterity, Dexterity=[[1d20+@{selected|dexterity}]]
| Constitution, Constitution=[[1d20+@{selected|constitution}]]
| Intelligence, Intelligence=[[1d20+@{selected|intelligence}]]
| Wisdom, Wisdom=[[1d20+@{selected|wisdom}]]
| Charisma, Charisma=[[1d20+@{selected|charisma}]]

EFFORT roller Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking. Prompts the player to select an EFFORT TYPE and if they need to add ULT.

&{template:default} {{name=Effort done by @{selected|character_name}}} {{?{Which Effort?
| Basic, Basic Effort=[[1d4+@{selected|basic}]] 
| Weapon, Weapon Effort=[[1d6+@{selected|weapon}]] 
| Magic, Magic Effort=[[1d8+@{selected|magic}]] 
| Ultimate, Ultimate Effort=[[1d12+@{selected|ult}]] 
| no :(,=| YES, ULT BONUS! =[[1d12+@{selected|ult}]] 

Add ULTIMATE. For those scenarios when you just need to add your ULT EFFORT to an effort roll or whatever. Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking.

&{template:default} {{name=ULTIMATE! by @{selected|character_name}}} {{ULTIMATE BONUS [[1d12+@{selected|ult}]] }}

REQUIRES API ACCESS at PRO membership level. Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking. Prompts the player to select a TARGET (another token), and then HP is restored to that token equal to a standard recovery roll. Requires the Token-Mod API added to the game. Place HP in Bar #1 for this to work.

!token-mod --set bar1_value|+[[@{target|Target 1|constitution}+1]]  --ids @{target|Target 1|token_id}
/em healed @{target|Target 1|token_name} for (@{target|Target 1|constitution}+1).

HEAL custom number of HP.
REQUIRES API ACCESS at PRO membership level. Select a token with an attached character sheet before clicking. Prompts the player to select a TARGET (another token), and then HP is restored to that token equal to the number supplied by the player. Requires the Token-Mod API added to the game. Place HP in Bar #1 for this to work.

!token-mod --set bar1_value|+[[?{How many hit points?}}]]  --ids @{target|Target 1|token_id}
/em healed @{target|Target 1|token_name} for ?{How many hit points?} hit points


WOW! This is awesome, thanks for sharing this!


Thanks!!! This is a very timely post!


Thanks :slight_smile: I hope they serve you and your table well.

If you or anyone else has questions or issues, I’ll try to help troubleshoot.


The ones I have modified attach to your token


Hey Tymonger, can you help me understand this comment more? What exactly did you do?


I think I can better explain it to you by showing you how I did it.



Hey, you might want to check your link. It’s directing to (for anti virus software).