Play by post anyone?


Awesome, sounds like a plan


When the emissary is detained, I would like to speak to him in private.


@discobot roll 1d20 1d4 1d6


:game_die: 2


[U wat discobot? Nm, I’ll do it meself]


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


Muel rolls a 16 to attempt to use 2 Rep to try to persuade the city to close the gates against an enemy within. He rolls a 2 on a d4 or a 5 on a d6.


Quildrum says my friend Mehrfin, ima go with you, maybe I could be of some help."


Yes, Hykon agrees with Furlan. The Orcs must be dealt with first. If not, then the rest probably will not matter much.


[Has there been an emissary from House Greystone, perhaps with terms of surrender? I’ll roll for that 50/50.

Yes! Not only that, he’s still here. (I rolled a 6). He’s staying at the best room in The Nag’s Head. Mulo didn’t have him arrested as this Elf is technically a diplomat.

If you guys are taking actions I’ll need rolls.

Furlan can spend the day talking to the elf diplomat Drath-y-Tch of House Sparrow. That’ll be a CHA roll and tell me what subjects you want info on.

Anyone can do actions together same as in any other scene.

Mehrfin, the door spell cast many times over the day to evacuate people can empty the keep (keeps are not that big) but give me a roll to see how good a job you do, if that’s your action.

Helping Mulo to arrange the defences will also take all day, needing a WIS or INT roll (plus effort) to help.


Oh and you only spend Rep for big projects like establishing a thieves guild or building a wizard’s tower. Not these actions you’re suggesting.


Hykon takes Green Bark from his Pathway Milestone… A leaf pattern cloak, +3 Armor. Pattern adapts to any natural surrounding, making me nearly invisible when stationary. :sunglasses:


Hykon will go down to the shore, to where the row boats have been spotted coming and going from the island, and see if he can find out anything about who or what might be manning these boats and what they might be doing and carrying, etc. He’ll start by questioning the locals at the shore to see what they might know with the intentions of eventually making his way to where the boats have been spotted and carrying out a little scouting mission. Find a spot to hole up in and see if he can spot said boats and what they are up to. His new cloak should come in handy for this!

What rolls needed?


[I just need to clarify, here. Reading back I’m not sure where we got an emissary from now haha but does he replace the Duke of Greystone in the fiction?]


Nope, the duke is in his castle


Got it.
Muel will go to the Library to search for the book with the secret to the lens.
INT roll of 2+0 and a 3 on a 1d4.
He figures the lens is going to be very important to the defense of the keep.
Edit: I’ll use my Hero Coin to reroll that 2 INT check if I may… 12+0 on the second roll! and still a 3 on the d4 for effort


First, I ask the sergeant to accompany me and maybe a deputy or two and his best scribe. I ask the sergeant to persuade the hotel manager for the master key and we politely pay a visit to Drath-y-Tch of House Sparrow. I ask the sergeant to step inside the room and ask the scribe to listen at the door and dictate everything he hears. I politely explain to the, incensed elf, that we know of the plans to use the Orcs. [all the while standing on the balcony flicking the silver coin for all to see including the emissary. I say “You see mister emissary, you are not going to make it to your next rendezvous with the Orcs. Which I’m assuming it is tonight since you are here resting. After that, you can either accompany the deputies to a cell or you can leave out the front gate tomorrow morning. I bet you are wondering as to what type of choice is that? I’m glad you asked [slap him on the back]. If there is something I know about the Duke of Greystone is that he trust no one. I’m sure he gave you use of a spy for such tasks as taking out the local wizard but, he also has a spy on you. As I was standing on the balcony I showed off a very pretty silver coin you used to pay off the Orcs. Now, if I know the Duke, and I think I do, he’ll have his spy watching you as we speak. Now, the people are being evacuated, and the guard is fortifying the keep. The spy watching you will be putting together all these coincidences and will come to the conclusion that you kept the silver and betrayed him. So, you can walk out of here in the morning and take your chance with either the spy or the Orcs. And the Orcs that don’t take kindly to being betrayed either. The Orcs will probably have a feast in your honor and you being the main course.

CHA 13+1



CHA 8+1=9

WIS 17+2=19

INT 19+2=21

Just some rolls you might need for Hykon’s scouting mission.


[@AbbenWisson @Lordfurlan the scout said “Duke Greyatone himself is here in Duradin”]


[@Lordfurlan that was great, he’ll go to the cells, did you want to ask him about the planned attack?]

[Edit - I assume you do. I’m just drafting a response to you all]