New VTT Tokens for XDZ!



Hey gang, courtesy of your old pal, Hank, there are new tokens for Xeno Dead Zone in DriveThru RPG! And I have to say, after looking at them, they are dope!

Tokens include:

  • corporate mercenary types
  • corporate scientist
  • parasite stage creature
  • Albino “neomorph” Xeno
  • The Breeder
  • Raging Xeno
  • Xeno slayer




There’s always that albino in the bunch who is 4x as deadly.


Squat session with Boris!


Are there new rules/stats for the Albino, parasites, raging and slayer xenos? I play XDZ more like a board game.


No sir. They are primarily VTT assets, but feel free to come up with your own mechanics, new escalations, or encounters for the board game.