Master Edition Sheet now in Roll20, who do we thank?


I cut my teeth on Roll20 with ICRPG. Later when Master Edition came out many players were hopeful some skilled individual would rise to the task of creating a new sheet for it in the platform. I now notice this wish has been granted after checking on a whim. The authors are listed as Mr. Johnson, Starships & Steel.

If you are here, I just wanted to say Thanks a BUNCH!!!

I have noticed it just in time as I’m ready to reboot my Crossroads Arena west marches game to v2.0!

All-does anyone know about how long it has been up? Is anyone here using it and if so any heads up I should know about it quirk wise (it looks pretty solid)?


Oh, this is great news! Thanks for sharing that @Wildstar!


@Wildstar I’ve never seen it, I’ve recently been trying to learn how to use roll 20. Do you have a way to link the materials? I’d like to check them out.


The sheet is in the platform so if you sign up on Roll20 w/ free account you can create a game using the sheet to play around with it. The layout itself is pretty much identical to the sheet included in the Master Edition book.

I’d be happy to show you around in Roll20 a bit if you’d like.