Indiana Jones/Treasure Hunting ideas?


Hi all, for the past few months I’ve been loosely working on a Genesys module that would be a sort of Indiana Jones style alt history weird war setting. I’ve recently decided I want to start from scratch and go rules-light.

I’m having a bit of writer’s block. Has anyone set an ICRPG game in this setting before? What worked? What didn’t? Any custom mechanics that might make it fun?

Let’s loot some ancient relics and punch some Nazis!


I actually just watched raiders of the lost ark last night! This sounds like a cool setting to me. Would love to hear what you come up with.


Literally same. Thats what made me jump back in!


If you ever want a test player or someone to bounce ideas off be sure to hit me up!


Also this could give you some inspiration I particularly like #8


This is rad. Great place to start actually as I was thinking about writing up some d100 tables for setting specific loot and starting from there. Sometimes it’s surprising how much loot can influence gameplay and story!