Index Card World v0.1a - A Dungeon World style ICRPG hack!



Look mum, I’m sharing stuff!
Greetings shield siblings and welcome to my “release” post about this little something I’ve been working on:

Wait… how? when?.. why?
So, not long ago I started this thread, in which I lied to ye’all about not working in a Dungeon World + ICRPG actual hack xD

Well, what do you know? Here I present you my humble clean up of those ideas, currently in early alpha pdf format. There’s a lot I want to add to this, but the core idea is to be able to grab both Dungeon World and ICRPG CORE (and WORLDS) and play blending content from both games with little to no conversion. Also, because I’m bonkers, I’m making custom content (LOOT, Monsters, bio-forms, etc) for you to use with this hack, broading your available options even further! MADNESS!!!

Shut up and give up the link already!

This seems unfinished, where’s the rest!? D:
I’ll be updating whenever-ly as I keep making progress with the doc. For now, here’s a to-do list of sorts xD

  • Core Mechanics
  • Gameplay Loop Flowchart >>IN REVISION<<
  • GMing guide and mechanics. >>WIP<<
  • Variant rules (variable TN, Initiative, alignment, xp and Level, etc.)
  • Moves as LOOT.
  • Ancestry, an alternative to bio-forms and races.
  • Tag-based Spells.
  • Down-time stuff (alchemy, cooking, crafting, etc.)
  • Custom starting LOOT.
  • Artifacts, class-style upgradable LOOT.

As always, please feel free to share your toughts, opinions, ideas, and suggestions. Don’t hesitate to point out why this sucks! haha. I’m also not the greatest at English so, corrections are super welcome :heart:

Thx 4 reading!

I Need Your Help! What is your favorite ICRPG Community Content?
Index Card World PbtA Hack Teaser? (Not an actual thing... yet!)

I am interested in your project, as someone who is working on his own little Frankenstein Hack~ :grin:
I love the idea of a flowchart for the gameplay loop (and action resolution). I did think of making one myself. I really hope you have fun and succeed, I hope to be playing it eventually! :v:


I’m excited to see where this is going :+1:

the chance for weak hits seems a little low compared to DW.
It’s always at 25% while in DW (for stats between -1 to +3) it’s between 33% and 45%

Me personally, I would prefer a higher partial success rate. Maybe 10-16 or even 9-17
Here I made a chart to show how likely partial/full hits and misses are, depending on the status bonus.

I extended the possible stat range quite a bit, just in case :wink:


Still following with interest! Looks really good so far. I would still be keen to look at using 2d6 instead of the d20 but as you say it would effect the loot in ICRPG.


This is ace, I’ve just joined and found your two threads on this, which is exactly I’ve been thinking about. How to combine ICRPG with DW and throwing in a little FATE by accident.

Here are some of the things I’ve done to mix the games. Using normal font for my ideas and italics for my reasoning about my decisions.
This will also be a work in progress as in true RUNEHammer style, my drink is getting to my head a little bit and it’s getting late. Soooo

Dice rolls
There seems to be a big back and forth between the bell curve of 2d6 of DW and not messing up all the loot bonuses of ICRPG. Now this might be a bit crazy but why not use 2D10?
Ignore the 0’s on the tens dice and you get a roll from 2-20 in the bell curve that matches the spread of scores of all the ICRPG kit.
I haven’t figured out the exact numbers to match the %'s of DW but I will do before I start my next game and share here.
Also I think Crits will be affected to some degree - I believe that on 2D10 - 18,19,20 accumulatively have about the same chance as 20 on a D20.

Partial success and moves
As with DW I’ll be using the scores for a fail, partial success and full successes.
However rather than keeping them totally static to the numbers I haven’t figured out above, I’ll use the EASY/HARD rating from ICRPG, if it needs it VERY EASY/HARD. This will shift the goal posts for partial and full success. I will crunch the numbers because with a bell curve ±3 may be a lot so I may change to ±2 instead.

I think the moves with partial success are a great way to create game flow.
My intention is for the players to never know that I’m using DW moves. Keep a list of the dungeon world moves for you, or get a good idea of what each of them are. Then you can use them to guide your Soft and hard moves following checks.
Having the moves can also help you decide what actually needs a check and what just happens.

Time and turns
I’m not a fan of the fixed turns of ICRPG which is why I delved in DW in the first place. I’ve found good GMing in managing characters actions is all you need to manage people hogging the limelight. I personally think of it a bit like editing a film, if it sticks on one character too long it get’s tedious, that’s why they flit between scenes or micro scenes. But here are some things that can help.

When someone makes a move give them an inkling of how long it will take. And if it’s a big multipart thing that would realistically take a while ask if they want to split it up or if they are happy with it taking a bit longer.
Examples - Doing an uber duber spell ritual that needs to charge. Or I’m going to run through the room backflip over the goblins climb up the wall and collect the talisman of epicness from the ledge.

This way the player gets to make the decision I’m sacrificing some of my table time and I’m ok with that, or actually I’d like some more table time I’ll split it into multiple parts.

The other big time thing that I like and is similar to the D4 timer, is a system by the angry GM. Without fixed turns it helps the GM control time with a mechanical consequence.
I’ll share the link here another time.

In short you have a dish that you drop D6 into as the players use up time. That may be parts of a day in traveling, 10 minutes in a dungeon with random monsters, singular minutes whilst avoiding the town guard.
When there are 6 dice you roll them all. For every 6 that comes up something bad happens.

Using moves and partial successes, you can add a dice as part of a soft move. Or for a hard move where they have really messed up you just add the six dice and roll straight away. Anything in between too
For the less assertive GM it gives them a tool to manage time in the free form style, when the players are spending ages coming up with a plan or action. If you think they’ve taken long enough that time in the game would have passed you drop a dice in the bowl. Personally I find that the clink of the dice is really powerful in getting them to take action.

That’s all for now, but I’ll add some stuff on
Using Tags and Loot or replacing character tags with FATE aspects with a limit.

Changing the big 6 stats to something that gives players more creative freedom.

A different way of doing magic - which only started as me trying to find out why Wisdom powers took up no slots, and developed when I looked at changing the stats.


Oh man this is awesome! I’m a little short on time so I’ll be answering your super cool points one by one, if you don’t mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, dice. Not gonna lie, at this point I’m using a d20 just because I like the d20 hahah I’ve experimented with 2d10 and it works fine too! but there’s just something magical about rolling that d20, the biggest die in the table…

I’ve also decided to replace traditional EASY/HARD mechanic with advantage/disadvantage (roll twice, keep best/worst). Works great and I’ve even been experimenting with applying it to effort rolls too! For a 2d10 roll you just roll 3 dice and keep the 2 best/worse, which is basically how a lot of PbtA games replace the “+1 forward” these days, it’s just tastier haha.

Other thing you can try just for fun is how Ironsworn manages dice rolls. Basically:

  • You roll 1d6+stat+adds, this is your ACTION roll.
  • You also roll 2d10 (you don’t add them together tho), these are your CHALLENGE dice.
  • If your ACTION roll is higher than both CHALLENGE dice, it’s a strong hit.
  • If your ACTION roll is higher than just ONE of the CHALLENGE dice, it’s a weak hit.
  • If you can’t beat either die, it’s a failure.
  • If you roll DOUBLES on the CHALLENGE dice, a complication happens!

That’s designed for solo play, it gives you a lot of input on what happened with the roll, and you can also introduce mechanics that cancel the challenge dice for easier success (see MOMENTUM in ironsworn) :stuck_out_tongue:

As a side note for the next point (initiative), I think there’s a one-shot rpg called HAVOC BRIGADE that kinda uses a sistem similar to what AngryGM propposed with the d6 pool. Personally, I’m not a fan of having to resolve many events at thr same time (I never, ever make several people roll at the same time for example xD), so I try to stick with ICRPG’s phylosophy of going around the table and asking “what do you do?”. But I’ll talk about that later.

Thanks 4 replying, cheers!!


In an attempted Ironsworn homebrew, I changed the dice to a d12 action die and 2d20 for challenge dice. I wanted to keep that d20 in there somehow!


not to complicate your “game mechanics exercise” but have you looked into Spire: The City Must Fall. Lots of interesting stuff in that game. It blew my mind. Also, a tabletop rpg called Emberwind has a few good ideas.


I get the thing about D20 and I think I’ve come up with a way to include it in my game. Let the Hero coin add a Heroic effort (D20) instead of Ultimate effort. I just thought it’d give the D20 it’s own special place at the top, without the swingyness affecting the game too much.

I am wondering about using a mixture of ±3 and the best/worst of rolling 3 dice. Perhaps using one for attempts and the other for effort rolls. I do think whichever one ends up for attempts will get used more than the effort one and I can’t decide which I prefer.

The other option with the Angry GM system is rather than add an obstacle for each six that turns up, you could increase the magnitude of the obstacle depending on the number of sixes. 6 sixes show up, uh oh a dragon just landed in front of you and it looks hungry.
I do however go round asking people what do you do, but sometimes I feel the fiction makes sense to stick with someone for a bit longer, then go to the other players for a while. I always think in terms of scenes in a film and the sub shots within each scene.

Right so to continue with my thoughts from last week.
Tags - character development
One of my issues with ICRPG and why I went to Dungeon world was that your characters back story had no impact on them without the gear. I like the focus on gear but nothing from the character was too much.

I imagine a ranger and a ninja would potentially have the same distribution of their 6 points. If they lost their gear there is nothing to distinguish their abilities, despite having expertise in very different topic.

I’ve seen people including levels, with tag words that provide bonuses. My thought is to expand the words into short sentences like aspects from FATE.
Each character starts with say 3 aspects - which each give a relevant bonus based on the characters background/skills/knowledge. That keeps the characters more unique and mechanically more inline with the fiction. Then at Milestone points you could let people add another aspect or improve one or replace one, perhaps having a maximum of 5/6 at any time.

I feel like this allows for some open character development, because you could completely change directions, but keeps it in a similar vain to the Loot bonuses.

The big 6 stats
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the big six stats. As someone who is good with my hand at making stuff, does parkour and rock climbing I always found Dex covering both to be really annoying. Along with doing martials arts and spending time studying the cultivation of wisdom (I know I’m cool). The big 6 have just always grated a bit for me.

I also thought of characters that they just don’t allow for. Imagine a gentle giant, who’s really smart and relies on that to solve situations, but doesn’t use magic. They’d just be mechanically void in D&D.

So I’m going with the 6 approaches from FATE accelerated.

I think these are going to put a lot more power in the imagination of the player, and also get them stuck when they want to use their best stat but it just doesn’t work in the fiction.
To use melee combat as an example, the same fighter, may use a forceful strike, or show of and use a flashy one, or get in their quickly, or try to read the opponents style cleverly. I’m excited to see what happens.

It also plays into what I’m planning for magic.

The fact that wisdom spells didn’t take up space just confused me so I ended up diving into options and found people doing all sorts.
This idea was heavily inspired by A dragon game, thought they got it from somewhere else.
The spells are two/three words long, that is their name. Anything that the player can come up with that fits within the description of those words is a viable spell, the outcomes being decided at the time. Also the way the spell is being used decides which of the stats the player has to roll to cast it so there is no magic stat.
The restrictions of magic, as this has the potential for insane power are based on the Dungeon world Cast a spell and Elemental mastery moves.

Cast a Spell

When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity , roll+Wis. :eight_pointed_black_star:On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and your deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it again. :eight_pointed_black_star:On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but choose one:

  • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.
  • Your casting distances you from your deity—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next time you Commune.
  • After you cast it, the spell is revoked by your deity. You cannot cast the spell again until you Commune and have it granted to you.

When you call on the primal spirits of fire, water, earth or air to perform a task for you roll+Wis. :eight_pointed_black_star:On a 10+ choose two. :eight_pointed_black_star:On a 7–9 choose one. :eight_pointed_black_star:On a miss, some catastrophe occurs as a result of your calling.

  • The Effect you desire comes to pass
  • You avoid paying nature’s price
  • You retain control

I really like the Elemental mastery for this. In that it’s really scalable depending on the magnitude of the spell.

If someone has Fire ball, they could make a small ball of fire to use as a torch. If it goes wrong the downsides are fairly smalls. (careful stat perhaps)
If they use fire ball to launch a sun at an enemy (forceful), then if it goes wrong chances are a character is going to die or nearly die. It’s all about scale.

I also don’t like spells not taking up space, feels like it gives fighters a disadvantage on gear. So I’m going to attach each spell to an item (Loot) so they can be lost. The players and I (most of the time) don’t know what the spell is until the character does a Learn Spell type move. Based on the outcome of the roll the player gets more or less say in the name of the spell.
A dragon game just had two lists, You rolled 2D20 one picking a word from each list and boom there was the spell.

Finally I saw some talk about who is allowed to learn spells based on stats etc. Simple answer for my game. Does one of your aspects describe how you can do magic? If so you can do magic if not sorry no can do.

I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on my mad ramblings.


This is exactly what I’m working on, a mix between ICRPG and Ironsworn. Did you take a look at Winsome? I think it’s a really good way to strip off Ironsworn’s move complexity and make it work even better with ICRPG.
I didn’t think about rolling 2d6 or more and keep the worst/best, but I agree that is looking logical and easier to get into that more math, thanks for this nifty idea.