ICRPG Using Rory's Story Cubes


I have four young boys who I’ve thoroughly indoctrinated into the world of RPG’s and I have to say that ICRPG has become the go-to for our epic story telling sessions. This post is from our first foray into the game. We found that the index cards worked well with Rory’s Story Cubes to add sparks of ideas.

Session 1 Highlights!

The Garrett Raconteurs are giddy with excitement as we anxiously await the arrival of our hardback edition of ICRPG Magic!



I love Rory story dice. You should take a look at this. Bit uses Rory Story dice, my kids love it. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/226588/untold-adventures-await


There is a very nice app for the iPhone for the story cubes.


Thats awesome. Where can I get the basic loot cards? They look amazing and would greatly help my game with kids.


@Jupamejia You can get the basic loot cards and lots of other goodies here: https://dieheart.net/index-card-rpg-resources/


I just downloaded that app. Very cool. Do wish there was a way to put the ICRPG card images onto the cubes.