How to upgrade items



Hi Gang, at the bottom of ICRPG 2nd Ed page 31 is a bit about upgrading items ("Build, Craft, and Enhance). I’m not fully wrapping my head around how that is done. Can someone break it down for me in wording maybe I will grasp? Or even alternative idea’s for doing so?



I think the last sentence “Let your imagination fly.” means that you can DIY some mechanics.
You could use the “customizable gem slot” mechanics from Relics of Odium or you could have a look at a minigame-idea I had for crafting things which I posted in one of my campaign diaries:

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:


Hi, Scotty.

I think that one-paragraph section is short and sweet for a reason. I believe it simply reinforces the ethos prevalent almost everywhere in ICRPG by stating explicitly that you can build on the basic D6 WEAPON/TOOL EFFORT and TAGS mechanics to cover virtually any narrative concept you might have for a loot item, and it gives you three examples using prominent game mechanics—using a coefficient for the EFFORT (or just changing its type), adding a roll bonus (for specific applications or general use), and adding/creating new TAGS (which let you convert virtually any narrative concept to an in-game mechanical effect). These three approaches can be used in any combination to take existing examples of weapons and other loot items and augment them as you see fit. This short list of techniques comprises only the three most obvious ways to design or boost loot items in ICRPG, but the section concludes by giving you lease to dream. Whatever works works…

I don’t think you’re missing anything at all.

Hope that helps.


The first line is key to me: “ICRPG makes weapon and gear crafting simple with the EFFORT system.”

If you understand how effort can be used to solve problems, crafting can become really straightforward. An example would be spending a HEART of EFFORT to sharpen your sword to deal D8 damage instead of a d6. Boom! I just enhanced my sword.

Maybe you want to craft a super awesome bow, and so you hunt down some petrified Nightwood that has been buried in the Dead Lands for 500 years and then take it to a craftsman who will spend 3 HEARTS of effort to create it, filling 5 Points of Effort each session unless you find some ways to help speed things along. Afterward, you’ll come back and have a bow that deals d8 damage and destroys armor if shot at NEAR range.

The trick I keep in mind is how limiting downtime makes effort more potent. If you’re in the middle of the dungeon, and you want to spend your time sharpening your blade to get that bonus, that’s your choice, but you will be forgoing actions that could be spent with the problems at hand, like the ogre barreling at you. If time is no issue then the effort system loses a bit of its punch.

You then add in things like tags, DIY modifications, and all sorts of narrative elements like Chris mentioned and you’ve got a lot of tools to play with :smiley:


I rather like that crafting mini-game, especially for making a new thing (as opposed to improving an old thing). I would picture the Target relating to the complexity of the craft. And if a character’s Type, specialty, or special abilities are particularly relevant, the craft roll could be Easy. Simple, straightforward, and allowing for plenty of variation.