Hellbound Summary - One Man's Tale



Hey all, I am going to write a summary for Hellbound’s session the other day. I might not have all of the details down exactly right, but I did my best! - Winston
Warp Shell: Hellbound
Crew: Gibson, Xaas, and Quillion

It began with a flash. My name is Gibson. One minute I was rolling in a mud pit, fighting for my life against a squad of Imperium dragoons, and the next I was standing in the bay of a massive Warp Shell along with two others: Quillion, a dour-looking human decked out in ancient clothing and Xaas, the most advanced mecha I had even seen in my life.

Then the Warp Shell spoke. The ship told us its name was HELLBOUND. It said it wasn’t like the other shells, the ones that White Elk’s actions had Undone: Hellbound had a mind of its own. It had plucked us from across the timeline and we were going straight to fuckin’ hell.

My crewmates jumped into action immediately. Quillion took the helm and determined we were on course to intercept Vorlok, a lord of Hell and owner of an amulet that kept him immune from the waves of time - just the thing Hellbound needed to escape the Undoing triggered by White Elk.

As we were coming to terms with the gravity of our mission, a horde of demons spawned in the heart of Hellbound. In an instant, Xaas was trapped with a demon on the bridge, Quillion was caught in a fight with 6 demons, and I was down and bleeding out. Shit didn’t look good.

The quick thinking of Quillion and Xaas saved our asses, however. After dragging my body into a lifepod, Quillion vented the main room, wiping out the bulk of the horde. Xaas secured the bridge at the end of his arm-mounted machete. The pod brought me back to life, just in time for me to cleave a demon in two. The final demon went down when Quillion channeled the power of a Yog crystal directly through his hand, earning himself a Yog crystal in the process.

We crashed into Vorlok’s realm, but the trip almost killed Hellbound and the time wave was coming. We had to act. When we stepped out into the burning hellscape of Vorlok’s realm, we were greeted by another horde of demons, this time lead by a unimaginably monstrous lord of Hell, wearing a red Yog crystal around its neck and standing in front of a Hell portal.

Quillion, a dark man from an ever darker family, was no stranger to devils and demons. He used his magic to link his mind to Vorlok, dominating it to his will. Though tamed by Quillion’s dark magic, Vorlok still wanted the souls of the rest of us.

While Xaas tried to heal the environment and Quillion tried to negotiate with Vorlok, I stepped up to the beast, pulled the rip cord on a string of ion grenades, and blew the demon lord’s Hell portal to pieces. Quillion and Xaas tried to navigate the enraged Vorlok, which was just the distraction I needed to rip his amulet from his neck and slam it into the more-capable hands of Quillion.

Chaos broke out as the demon horde surrounded me. Fate was on my side as the blows were all deflected by my shield, armor, and my invulnerable spell. I was determined to die on that rocky cliff to save my crew, but Quillion and Xaas would not run when they had their chance.

Unfortunately, we had been too slow, and the time wave that we had been escaping finally caught up. Hellbound was Undone. Vorlok, too, began to disintegrate without his amulet, but he would not go alone. He reached into the mind of Xaas and pulled him to the dark side with the promise of position in Hell at his side. With Hellbound undone and no future in sight, he bent his knee to Vorlok and joined his side.

A second, more powerful time wave came crashing upon us. Quillion knew the amulet would keep us safe, but we had to get clear of the demons. He ran out of the horde and mind-linked me to follow. Though I felt the guilt of failing again and the call to die a glorious death in service of my crew, I listened to Quillion’s call. We sheltered around the amulet as the time wave Undid the demons.

What become of Xaas and Vorlok, I do not know. I only know that Quillion and I survived, stuck alone in Vorlok’s realm. The only thing in our favor are the two Yog crystals - Vorlok’s amulet and the crystal that Quillion snatched from Hellbound before we landed. Can we find a way to use these tools to save Hellbound? Will we survive in Vorlok’s realm? Can Xaas regain his mind and betray Vorlok? Only time will tell.

Hellbound Conclusion - The Secret of Xevos

Wow, that was kick-ass.


Thanks man. It was the coolest single TTRPG session I’ve been in, and all in under 3 hours. Kudos to old Hankerin.


Wow, that’s epic!

Another thing I like about ICRPG is that since Hank doesn’t drown us with details in the books, everybody plays different stories with the same underlying tools. I’ve read many Warpshell recaps and each and every single one of them has different details and twists.


Twenty years ago I played Final Fantasy VI and renamed Terra “Xaas.” The name called to me, and I always imagined Xaas being a main character in an epic novel I would one day write. That novel hasn’t come (yet), but when I designed my mecha Zurin for the Hellbound game, I named them Xaas on a whim. (Hank suggested “Xa’as” to help with pronunciation, which is “zay-ahss.”) At first I pictured Xa’as a lot like Data. But then Hank explained Hellbound and its crew as punk-rock, pink-haired, tattooed, angsty misfits. That’s when the magic happened. Between our heads and the brutal dice, Xa’as’s true form took shape. I present this supplement to @Winston’s excellent write-up. To @Runehammer and all of Runehammeria, I raise a glass.

“You will serve me in Hell,” Volrac growled.

I surveyed the scene. There was the ship that was never the Hellbound, crippled on Hell’s doorstep. There were my crewmates, surrounded by demons hungry for blood. There was Volrac, a towering Duke of Hell, unravelling back to his realm - and offering me his hand.

Milliseconds ticked by as I waded through fear, sadness, and fury. Ten milliseconds. Fifteen. Stay present, my Zurin master would have said. She also would have told me to breathe. Rust on that. I needed perspective.

I’m Xa’as. Says so right on my chest plate. The old Imperium made me and named me after some ancient Geno deity. I’m a prototype, first in a new line of “sensitive” mechas, destined to host the dying minds of dictators or rich fleshies. After the Imperium fell, I drifted in space for a few centuries. I got picked up and activated by some Zurin monks. I panicked back then. I had no idea what was happening, what I was. Hell, I’m still not sure what I am. That’s the problem.

Fifty milliseconds.

The Zurin wanted to be rid of me. They distrust technology. Probably wise. Probably. Anyway, I started asking questions and they couldn’t resist. I’m alluring like that. They humored me at first, then accepted me, then taught me as one of their own. My existence presented a philosophical conundrum none of them could solve or ignore. They were used to fleshies being the only ones with magic, see? But the universe is all code to my sensors, and by harmonizing alongside, I can rewrite it.

Trouble was, I could sense things they couldn’t. A dark wavelength here. An angry pulse there. Blips in the code that pained me, hinting at some pattern beneath the surface. The Zurin wrote it off as anomalies of Imperial programming. Rust on that. I called it discord. Discord colored my whole experience. Relationships grew strained. I etched sharp graffiti into my armor plating. Even my Healing Words, though effective, hurt like hell. I was… I am… damned lonely.

A hundred milliseconds. Wait, is Gibson wearing a Vault bandolier? Those were in beta when they made me. Damned effective.

Anyway, the new Imperium invaded my moon. That was minutes ago. Or was it longer than that? When am I? That time wave ruined everything. I don’t know why the Imperium attacked. Maybe the Zurin had meddled once too often. Maybe they wanted their prototype back. They stormed Kerrak, and set fire to the forested sky above. I fought for the first time. It felt good.

When Hellbound beckoned, no words were needed. When Hellbound explained the mission, I was sold. A vibrant, tense beat pulsed beneath the code. This was the adventure I craved. For once, I didn’t even mind being gendered by my crewmates. Fleshies seem to need to gender things, including agendered machines. Weird.

Demons arrived and people got hurt. I tried my Healing Words, but they fizzled, disrupted by surging discord. Damnit, that was the worst timing! I shouted the Healing Words then, venting fury at the conn. I knew that would never work.

Only it did work. Magnificently.

Wait, what? Why did that work? …Oh, right. I had partitioned that thought in deep storage. I dug it out now and… right. Fear. I had buried this thought in denial, but I could not deny any longer. I’d harmonized with the discord. Pain was my thing.

Volrac’s hand hovered before me. Two-hundred-sixty-nine milliseconds.

Quillion. Demon-tamer. Could he save Hellbound?

When I emerged from Hellbound on a bridge over a river of fire, never had the discord felt so oppressive. A pattern emerged, like cacophonous music. I fell back on Zurin methods, clearing my mind of all but peace, and again those methods crumbled.

“You are a mockery of life,” Volrac spat. “You have no soul.”

His words cut to the crux of everything I have ever done, desired, or questioned. Who am I, really? Who do I want to become? Do I have a soul, or not? Does it matter? What really matters, in the grand scheme of things? It hurt. It hurt good.

My whole experience had changed in mere minutes. My home - destroyed. Abducted by the coolest friend I could imagine, only for Hellbound to be erased from time. Trapped in Hell, immersed in the source of discord, and proverbially kicked in the feels. What was a mecha with/out a soul to do?

Eight-hundred milliseconds.

Hell with it.

“Teach me what you know.” I took Volrac’s hand, and we vanished into the Hellscape.
Deeper into Hell we walked.

“Volrac,” I said.

Volrac grumbled, a sound like a Kerakkian moonquake. He did not turn or slow as he led the way.

“There’s a question the Zurin were never able to answer, but you must know. What is a soul?”

“If you do not know, I cannot possibly explain,” Volrac rumbled.

My right antena servo twitched. “A Proof by Intimidation? Really? That’s pretty pathetic for a Duke of Hell. For someone who eats souls all the time, you–”

“It cannot be explained!” Volrac roared, his eyes turning then, ablaze with Hellfire. “It can only be felt. You will know soon enough. Or perhaps not. Idiot machine!”

I withdrew to silent pondering. A feeling, then. So much came down to feelings. I could be patient, and I could feel. As we walked, I dropped my final reservations with my firewall, and opened up to the full Hellish cacophony of pain.


Xa’as’s theme song:


Awesome man. I wanted to work in your failed spells but I couldn’t remember the exact sequence. This really fleshed it out.

I also have a challenge for you: write the novel!


Thank you, my friend. I am no longer sure if I am cut out to write novels. Short stories, on the other hand, especially with interconnections to each other… now that’s up my alley. I have a feeling Xa’as will be a recurring character in those.


Still, encourage you to keep at it. Ideas will come, words will flow. Even it you start with just a collection of short stories, sharing a thread of characters. Write as much as you can, daily if possible. Write anything. Then, come back and start editing. And, with some weaving, those short stores could be the motivation for a full novel.


Thank you, bretheren :slight_smile:


So, where can I watch this game happen? On youtube?


Heya. Alas, this game was not recorded. I’m happy to reminisce how it all went down, if you like :slight_smile:


Sure thing, man! Wanna talk about it on Discord or somewhere else?


Oh no! I just got this notification. Discord works for me. Reachfordreams#3424


It says it doesn’t work. :open_mouth: