Gerblin Therapy


This has been a hard year in our area. My kids do theatre and haven’t seen a stage since last May. Creativity in our home has been flat. Last week I received my 2nd Covid vaccine shot. Both kids have returned to school recently and summer promises the possibility of a renewed normalcy. Tonight I helped my son on an audition for a theatre summer program; we worked on a song and a monologue reading. My daughter said, “I haven’t sung in forever,” and promptly retreated to her room where she just started belting out notes.

I in turn grabbed my sketch book and my markers – spent some of my night drawing just to draw. I put the gerblin monster card on my PC screen and then sketched out my own version, did the black marker work, and then colored it in. It was way therapeutic :slight_smile:


I hear you brother, it certainly has been a hard year creatively speaking. It’s so good to see you breaking out the sketchbook and to know that the family is moving in the direction of some sort of normalcy.