DUSKFALL is released



Just in time for Halloween!
My first ever product - the DUSKFALL Battleworld - just went up on DrivethruRPG. Want to try something different for your halloween game? Hope you’ll enjoy a harrowing vacation in this remote little town.

Get it here: DUSKFALL - A system-neutral horror setting

It was so much fun creating this project, and I wanted to cater not only to the VTT players, but also table players, so I did something crazy… I included print and cut PDFs of the battleworld to help you get Duskfall to your table. If you check it out, feel free to drop a comment with your feedback.



It’s a not from me without any sort of preview of the layout, art, writing ect.
I suggest adding a preview so people get an inkling of what they are paying for.


That is an oversight. I set it up so it should have a preview. Dunno what went wrong, but thanks for pointing it out :+1:

Edit: Just fixed it. Previews are now available.


Neat. that looks good!


Very exciting Meadbeard. Can’t wait to dive deeper into this.


Looks damned good @Meadbeard. Strong work.


looks very cool. Will check that out next month😁


You’ve got my COIN! :herocoin: Both for your work and as a hero!