Cowabunga Wall! Where’s the 🍕?




Here’s something I suddenly felt the urge to create. A possible premade character for a possible one-shot adventure set in the world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!! :rofl:

What do you think? :blush::slight_smile:


@Ezzerharden has some great primers.
Ezzerhardens Incomplete Collection - 24 World Primers & More!

The TMNTortons in particular might strike your fancy. Not a full blown writeup but more than enough to play some fun games.


I remember making some characters for TMNT back in the day but I don’t think we actually played it. This is a great idea and I think it would be a blast to play!


i would say tmnt is my most loved series from my past. so awesome.
could be an awesome game session


i like the character sheet. where do you got that?


Thank you for the compliment to the character sheet, I made it :blush:


I love the “Wheel of Stats”. Great single visual.


It’s a great sheet :slight_smile: I mean, a blank version would be very well received around the forums, I think… wink wink

I love what you did there. TMNT has a great setting for ICRPG adventures. May I suggest @Kindred’s The Division conversion to ICRPG as a source of inspiration for modern-day equipment, loot, and abilities? I’m sure you’ll find something to enhance your own game there.