Community Content Creations



Hey all,

Posted in discord about the idea of having some get together sessions to make something and have a chat with likeminded GMs and Players. A bunch of us can get together, pick a host/leader, that host will say a thing to create (NPC, ROOM DESIGN, 5 ROOM DUNGEON, MOSTER ECT) and all of us can then help make it by suggesting ideas. Hosts will be picked by a d20 roll off if there is more than one. Finished ideas can be posted on the forums for all to see and use.

I ran a session last night and this is what my self and myrrhddin created…

Neither of us had any agender for this and we where both surprised by what we came up with. All inspired by some dealt out cards and one of them said Flesh Golem. The strangest idea grew from there and I have put it into a one page format for all to use and hack.

Looking forward to more community sessions!


Just thought of a add on to room three. Around the room you see paintings of the Golems that are lined up, a plaque below states a name and then what they are made from.

Perhaps naming them will cause them to stand still for 1d4 rounds?


Since this is sort of like a Workshop, you could also consider the gallery as a sort of documentation for each piece. Like it describes the creations but also lists what could be improved. This would then identify the specific weakness of each.


The fleshy bugazoid developed into a strong example of creation, but while the hard carapaces made its resilience to attack quite hardy, the shells made stitching pieces together quite difficult and lead to loose bonds between each piece. Note: Find an alternative joining process. Stitching is susceptible to cutting.


Oh I like that idea a lot! Gives more mechanics to the Oil paintings dotted about.


1D12 Table of special ammo (sci-fi gun or magic arrows)

  1. Seeker round - if ally is targeting, can fire around corners, cannot miss, does gun+ult

  2. Variable Intensity Flare - Signal, Blind, etc…

  3. Elemental Ammo - pick an (classic) element and do that type of damage

  4. Programmable Hallucinogen Dart

  5. Grappling Hook

  6. Mind control / Psychic Trap - With hit, take control of target for 1D4 rounds.

  7. Armour Piercing - pierces targets and thin materials and continues full length of the firearms range, treat damage on creatures as max dmg.

  8. Pheromones - Dumb beasts will be drawn to attack target for 1D4 rounds.

  9. Noxious Gas - Fills large areas with noxious gas… renders small rooms unsafe to breathe in

  10. Flechette Rounds - A round packed with needles which explodes and hits 1d4 enemies

  11. Tracking Beacon - all attempts against target hit by this round are easy for 1d4 rounds

  12. Delayed Explosive


D12 table of magic consumable items

1- Torch of Dreams - Burns for 6 rounds. Those who look on the flame have their dreams and nightmares revealed and may be visibly manifest if the holder of the torch desires. May be used to convince or terrify.

2- Bone Splinter of Onymous - Break to reverse time to 1 round ago.

3- Jiles’ Cap - An old explorers full lined winter hat. - Immune to Cold for 6 rounds once worn.

4- Mask of Telapathy. Worn. Effect lasts 4 rounds once worn. - Anyone looking at the mask makes their thoughts known to the one wearing the mask.

5- Erasmus’ Doom - A dull black gem, put into a bare hand to grow a set of ceramic claws. Auto hit 1 CLOSE attack. They shatter when used for Weapon’s EFFORT+10.

6- Mirror of Dunlow - A glass fragment covered in cloth. The first one to look into the glass becomes invisible for 1D6 rounds.

7- Hester Tobacco and Wrymwood Pipe - 1D4 rounds. +10 STR

8- Flying Crystal - A small pebble size stone that flies in response to vocal commands. Active for 1D6 rounds before turning to an ordinary decorative stone. Roll WIS to use it for extraordinary actions.

9- Stone of Guidance - Smash to reveal an important truth or location.

10- Venom of the Lich Spider - Smash on the ground to create a NEAR cloud that repels and reveals evil. Lasts until end of encounter.

11- Coastal Brine Salt Block - Lasts 6 Rounds - Expand the sense of taste to superhuman levels.

12- Honey of Tongues - 1D4 Rounds - Opens the mind to speak deep and terrible dialect. CHA +10 when intimidating or attempting to scare.


D12 table of monster abilities

  1. The monster possesses PC’s and only way to harm monster is to harm PC

  2. Stonewood Wolf’s Howl: as an action, this wolf can howl to raise its AC by 1. This is stackable, and lasts until the wolf is hit.

  3. On a crit - PC must roll HARD Con or become infected

  4. Targets the nearest person approaching the McGuffin

  5. Consumes a lesser ally to take all of its health.

  6. monster can not be killed, must be dealt with a different way.

  7. Overwhelming Size - STR/DEX or be Crushed (insert damage here)

  8. A monster is not real: just a puppet/construct being controlled from a nearby mastermind.

  9. Nimble Escape - Monster may Disengage or Hide as part of its turn for free (I do love this 5e goblin ability)

  10. Monster splits/duplicates every time it takes damage. Must be killed outright to avoid this effect.

  11. Monster gets heavier every round, stacking -2 to push it or escape its grapple

  12. shape shifts to the form of what you love most

D10 Table of Alien Landscapes

  1. The sky is coated with heavy clouds, save a few glowing patches of green. The actual landscape is completely unlit (read: pitch black).

  2. The ground is slightly springy. All jumping maneuvers are EASY.

  3. jagged fractures spider out from your footsteps upon the glassy dunes, move half speed or take 1d4 slashing, whatever you do, dont break the glass.

  4. Pockets of increased gravity cause localized time dialation. (Take that world timers!)

  5. the ground is firm as long as you keep moving, stop and you start sinking.

  6. gravity fluctuates, occilates between more or less than normal.

  7. due to atmosphere and light refraction. Everything is monochrome, colors do not exist.

  8. jets of acid launch 20 miles (30km) into the air

  9. RUST, a moist high oxygen atmosphere along with iron pillar formations make for flakey red curls and orange stains like blood drain in to the crevices of this strange place. Items start to rust after 1 day unless cleaned and oiled, any failed dex roll must also roll con or get tetanus

  10. The landscape is filled with spore pods. Touching them causes them to explode inflicting: [1d4] 1) 1d8 DMG, 2) Sickness (All rolls hard), 3) 1d8 healing, 4) Mutation [1d6] 1) Skin becomes covered in hard, scaly scabs +1 AC 2) A useless appendage to grow from the characters back 3) Characters fingers to grow into claws, can be used to attack for BASIC 4) One leg to grow, reducing speed by 5ft 5) The character grows a second set organs granting an additional HEART 6) Continued mutation, roll two more times

D12 Distress calls heard by your Warp Shell:

  1. “Very sorry, but we’re a bit lost. My name is Frodo, and I’m here with Merry and Pippin? If anyone can hear us, please respond as soon as possible… oh, damn this metal box!”

  2. “We are a small research vessel studying a black hole, we miscalculated and are now being pulled in, please come help us!”

  3. A series of clacks, snarls, and slurps which your Warpshell tells you translates to “The elder star calls, we are trying to destroy it but need help.”

  4. Party is warned of a “Space Cetacean” by an astrobiologist that is stuck inside of an escape pod it ate. Promises a massive fortune if they can save him from the belly of the beast

  5. “…Is anyone out there?” first contact adventure.

  6. Two competing messages. One, a call to help a sick child, who will die if she doesn’t get certain medicine. Two, a static filled message from a Master Grosz, ambassador, claiming he’s the sole survivor of Reptis Prime and needs help. The warp shell is conflicted and offers up its steering controls.

  7. “This is “name of a PC in the party” of “party warpshell name” requesting immediate assistance!”

  8. "We lost everyone. It came out of nowhere. Everything in “current sector of space of the party” is just gone. We were the only survivors…for now. - dated one day in the future…

  9. Intercept a communication: “It’s time they paid for what they did. Ready weapons! And prime that bomb, we will leave no one alive. They did no better for us.”

  10. This is King Henryk of Alfheim. I don’t know how this bloody mirror works, or if anyone is even listening. But this is our darkest hour. If anyone hears this call, please, come.

  11. A strange fuzzy hologram message comes through of a pretty young woman wearing white. She says, “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”

  12. “This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone… Mayday, Mayday… we are under attack… “