Brainstorm: ideas for random tables for Warp Shell!



Hello there!

So I have a few ideas for random tables for my upcoming Warp Shell campaign and I was wondering if you guys had any to add to them!

Go crazy, who knows? Your ideas might inspire more ideas!

Here’s a few ideas I’ve had:

  1. Chunk types (I have one for crystals and metals done but I have difficulty with biological components)
  2. Sci-fi weapons
  3. Particles
  4. Alien races
  5. Planet types
  6. Spaceship class
  7. Planet naming convention
  8. Laser types?
  9. Sun colours & effects?
  10. Battlefield conditions (room)
  11. Energy, Disruption

Thanks for the help!! :smiley:

  1. Planet-wide Dangers: Pandemics, epidemics, tidal disruptions, giant volcanoes, extreme weather, asteroid on collision course, core instability, nearby supernova explosion, nearby wormhole/blackhole, planetary blockade from orbit, planetary attack, nukes on the way etc.
  2. Alien Faction: Different alien factions/races to encounter.
  3. Alien Motivation: Different motivations for the encountered aliens.
  4. Ship Emergency: Artificial gravity failure, power cut, thruster/sublight engine/ftl engine/navigation/computer malfunction, computer viruses, pirate boarding, sabotage, hydraulics/mechanical failure (wings etc).
  5. Bullshit Radiation Types: Star Trek has made-up radiation types for each and every situation. :slight_smile:


Haha! I love your last one! I’ll definitely make one up!!

Ship emergency is covered in the Warp Shell kit but I might revise it. Alien Factions/Motivations reads like a good way to bring multiple alien races together for a cause… or not!

Planet-wide dangers open up dilemas, I love it! Do we save the natives or focus on retrieving the item for the Odin Foundation??!

Thank you for your suggestions!


I was making a warp shell booklet a year ago, but never got around finishing it. I made these TTT’s for planet types though, so I’ll post them here:

• The frozen wastes

  1. Frozen LOOT, takes effort to release.
  2. The engine of a lost space fighter, gives off heat.
  3. A transponder to signal your location.
  4. A landing pad with 1 SCI FI LOOT.
  5. Blue crystals that gives you +Magical Effort in vicinity.
  6. An empty bunker with working machinery. 3 SCI FI LOOT.


  1. A pack of Mammoth hunters, angry you scared the Mammoths away.
  2. A small base full of smugglers.
  3. A frozen sea without any shelter from the cold.
  4. A small avalanche if you make too much noise.
  5. Core beasts, crawling up from the core of the planet through a rift.
  6. Overlords and slavers that don’t want you meddling with their wares.


  1. Timer until a pack of Mammoth pass by.
  2. Timer until cargo is dropped from above.
  3. Timer until the ice gives under your weight.
  4. Timer until heat runs out, find ways to stay warm.
  5. Timer until the Core Beasts crawl through the ice.
  6. Timer until the Overlord starts to fight you himself!

• The burning sands

  1. A monolith covered with ancient text, takes effort to learn a WIS power.
  2. A small pocket of water, an oasis of some sorts.
  3. Abandoned shelter, the owners have disappeared. 1 ANCIENT LOOT
  4. An Engine Crystal, roll ULTIMATE EFFORT once on machinery, effort to release.
  5. Water Bearers; spiders that carry a lot of water in their bodies. Kill them and enjoy.
  6. Dropped Cargo, containing 1 EPIC LOOT and 1 SCI FI LOOT


  1. The Lost Brothers; a pack of nomads that search entry to a different world.
  2. A group of rebels on sky scooters.
  3. Gripping Dunes; sand reaches out to pull you underneath.
  4. Slowsand; the GM gets 2 turns per round in this area.
  5. Ambush of Rocketmen; they shoot with rockets to steal your stuff.
  6. Hallucigen heat; you think there is shelter, but there is none.


  1. Timer until a Lost Brother starts reading a religious text, CHARMING you (after a failed WIS check) for the duration of another timer.
  2. Timer until a sky scooter crashes nearby.
  3. Timer until heats runs high; cool down with water.
  4. Timer until the Slowsand loses grip and everything turns to normal.
  5. Timer until a Sand Worm appears.
  6. Timer until you realize the shelter on the horizon was an illusion.

• The poisoned waters

  1. A satchel of anti-poison vials.
  2. A thin cave system that gives shelter of the rain.
  3. A water purification machine, small enough to take with you.
  4. A small boat made of durable materials.
  5. A beacon; takes effort, in [timer] 3 SCI FI LOOT drops.
  6. A ruined house with 2 duranium umbrella’s; gives shelter when held.


  1. Yellow puddings, poisoning every inch they walk.
  2. Acid rain; when exposed a whole timer, you lose one LOOT to rust.
  3. Globe of Lightning; monster immune to Magic effort.
  4. Maelstrom; be careful not to be sucked underwater.
  5. An iron structure collapsing due to rust.
  6. Ratmen!


  1. Timer until the anti-poison works in your body.
  2. Timer until it starts to drizzle, and then rain.
  3. Timer until the Globe of Lightning unleashes all Magic effort it has stored.
  4. Timer until the Maelstrom reverses and becomes a geyser.
  5. Timer until the night falls and the sky clears.
  6. Timer until a pack of Ratmen is coming to help the ones you are already fighting.


This is amazing! Why did you stop working on your booklet? I’d be curious what you had for sections in it? :smiley:


I called it Palissade VI, a Space Station in the Wake. This image is the Space Station and every room would be an idea for Warpshell. For example, the docking station would be the planets, while the cryochamber would contain a new bioform. Engineering would have a crystal Engine Milestone path. Sleeping quarters/dormitory would be a new class.
In the end I couldn’t really get into it and found out I’m much more used to Fantasy than Sci-Fi. I wanted to finish it up until a few weeks ago, but I made no progress whatsoever. I only finished this table, the image and the class. I think I might need to find my own niche to contribute on the ICRPG community and I’m still looking for it.

1.Bridge: An adventure
2. Cryochamber: bioform
3. Inventory: 50 new loot
4. docking station: planets in TTT’s
5. private quarters: Relic Hunter class
6. ?
7. Mess Hall: Food around the universe
8. Engineering: Crystal Engine Milestone Path.

edit: edited some mistakes, writing while watching the youtube stream is not recommended :wink:


Nice stuff there.

This is slightly off-topic but after I release my ICRPG book this friday, I’m thinking about creating a free book for the community where I collect and present community contributions for house rules, alternative rules & systems, adventures, classes, loot, 3 Ts… you name it.

It will have a great presentation of course and I will keep maintaining it with new content.


That’s cool! Thank you for sharing! It could be a nice place to explore!


I would love to contribute to that! :smiley:


I will let the community know when I’m ready.


Please do! And keep up the great work, very appreciated! :smiley: