Behold the positive power of tabletop gaming




Boy! Never mess with a gamer when he’s gaming. Shanks the gang banger. :sunglasses:


That’s some heavy stuff.


They talk about limited time to play. Maybe we could donate some ICRPG books and materials to interested prisons :question:

I’d donate a hardcover copy of core if I knew where to send it.


That would be a nice thing to do. Take a hero coin for a good idea. :herocoin:


This is entirely awesome!


Powerful! Nice share


I found a site that lists various prison book donation programs if you’re interested:

I found one near me that actually lists “Dungeons and Dragons” books on their needed list. When I contacted them they said they would take RPG type books related to Dungeons and Dragons. I plan to send a hardcover copy of “ICRPG 2e Core” and a copy of “The Legacy of Mud” as they also want sci-fi/fantasy fiction books.

Consider finding a program near you on the list and contacting them for more information on donating an ICRPG/@Runehammer book. Consider it the Icelandic tradition of “Jolabokaflod”. :wink:

Thanks @NightHawk7 for bringing this video to our attention!