Bearcats! conversions



What are people doing for their Bearcats! systemication? I am working on a (quick and dirty version of) Genesys as my base approach to Bearcats!. I may also do a Blades in the Dark hack as well, just to stretch my mechanic muscles.


I haven’t gotten into any bearcats yet unfortunately, i read through it a bit, but I have been tied up in a few other projects, it looks super fun. Once I get into the meat of it I’ll probably just run it in ICRPG. It seems the easiest way to get it to my table.


doing bearcats with BLADES would be pretty cool


I think so. I am prepping for my first session running BitD, and I already love it. Spending the last couple weeks getting up to speed on the system has been nice. I like a lot of what it does, and think it could be interesting using it with the Bearcats! concept.


Have you had any progress on ICRPG BearCats, or even BitD BearCats? I am working on a world primer and any thoughts you have may help.


I haven’t gotten to far yet. Kinda put it on the backburnner for other projects and games. I’ll look at what I’ve got though. I’m for sure interested in chatting about it though.