Alfheim Abilities and Loot Without Types



Here are all the type-based special abilities and type-based loot pieces, with minor modifications and additions, to facilitate type-less play! Enjoy!


  • SLAYER: If attacking an enemy you have already harmed, do ULTIMATE damage

  • DEFENDER: Allies within CLOSE range of you may use your DEFENSE STAT

  • PIT FIGHTER: When you take damage, add the amount of the last hit against you to the next hit you make

  • TOUGH GUY: Ignore up to BASIC damage from one hit per round.

  • QUICK DRAW: On a ranged attack roll of modified 15+, fire again

  • DEAD EYE: Use one TURN to aim. Your next successful hit deals max damage

  • TRAP EXPERT: Your traps damage all vicims NEAR the trap when tripped

  • FORAGER: when in the wild, spend a day foraging to find BASIC days of food and water

  • ASSASSIN: If a target doesn’t know you’re there, your first attack cannot miss

  • THIEF: Your stealth rolls are always EASY

  • SCOUT: When using WIS to seek out details or hidden truths, roll EASY

  • ROGUE: When missed, make a free NEAR move.

  • BATTLE HYMN: Provide music with a CHA roll, reduce allies’ TARGET by 2

  • PROVOKER: Hurl insults at any 1 enemy, they cannot resist dueling with you

  • THESPIAN: With a CHA roll, you can convince subjects of even wildly ridiculous fibs. Their belief in your farce will last 1D4 ROUNDS per roll made.

  • COMMANDER: Spend your action to add your CHA and applicable EFFORT bonus to an ally’s next action.

  • SPELL SCHOLAR: If you find a written SPELL, gain an extra SPELL

  • WILD POWER: Any time you roll a max die, roll it again

  • ARCANE PACT: Sacrifice any amount of HP, HP providing food/loot, or bound victim’s HP to boost any 1 roll

  • FEY CONTRACT: make a deal with the GM; complete it within a year to gain a specific spell - takes no inventory.

  • ELEMENTAL: Nature or weather magic is always EASY to cast

  • HEALER: Any healing magic you cast does ULTIMATE EFFORT

  • MONK: Use your WIS STAT when making unarmed attacks

  • CLERIC: Spend your action holding your holy symbol aloft; evil creatures cannot approach, and must retreat if closer than NEAR.

Special Loot!

  • MAKER’S MARK: Customize any 1 WEAPON with the mark of a master craftsman. Give this WEAPON or TOOL a +2 EFFORT bonus. The mark cannot be removed.

  • SHIELD GLOVE: A strapped glove and belt harness for carrying shields. Shields occupy no space in your INVENTORY

  • BATTLE STANDARD: A tabard or banner with your inspiring warinsignia. Choose 1 ally per ROUND, their next roll is EASY

  • LUCKY CHARM: Roll a D20 at the beginning of the session. Once during the session, you can replace one roll with this roll.

  • CRYSTAL SCOPE: Attach this glass contraption to any 1 ranged WEAPON. Never roll HARD to hit with that WEAPON

  • ARCANE CARTRIDGE: An enchanted steel sleeve imbues your ammunition with a spark of magic. Your shots inflict ENERGY damage

  • TRAP LAUNCHER: With this spring-loaded gadget, roll a ranged attack to placea trap anywhere you can see

  • BLACK ARROW: With one successful attack, damage is done in HEARTS instead of HP.

  • DAGGER KIT: A set of three masterwork blades score critical hits on natural 18, 19, or 20 rolls

  • SPIDER CLAWS: With these special clawed gloves, you can move as normal on any surface, including ceilings

  • POCKET CLOAK: A special cloak with 2 versions: Treat all CARRIED inventory spaces as EQUIPPED or add 10 CARRIED spaces to your inventory

  • BLACKJACK: Knock out an opponent with a single hit if unaware of the attack.

  • FINE INSTRUMENT: Roll CHA to apply a recovery check to all allies who can hear.

  • HEIRLOOM: Your weapon is a treasure. Always do ULTIMATE when dueling

  • REVERSE CLOAK: A modular costume cape. Imperonate anyone you have seen with a CHA roll for BASIC rounds.

  • ASTRAL GRIMOIRE: Your SPELL book is drawn to you by a subtle kinetic force. Gain any 3 INT SPELLS instantly. The book will slide toward you if it can.

  • MEMORY RING: Gain any 3 INT SPELLS. On any TURN when not casting a SPELL, roll 1D6. Keep that dice for use later on any 1 roll. Store up to 6D6 in this way.

  • THE MASTER’S SKULL: Gain 1 INT SPELL. A small, demonic skull. Fill this skull with blood to store 10 points of HP. Use this HP to heal, or as part of a Arcane Pact ABILITY.

  • ORB OF THE ORACLE: Gain 3 INT spells. Spend action to roll INT to learn either the layout, enemies, or target of the next room. Can only ever get one.

  • GREENSTAFF: Store your elemental magic in a wooden staff. Gain any 3 WIS SPELLS instantly. If your staff is lost, it comically turns up in 1D4 ROUNDS

  • BOOK OF TRUTHS: A tome of religious texts. Gain any 5 WIS SPELLS instantly, but if the book is lost or destroyed, the SPELLS are gone.

  • AMBER BEADS: A necklace of large orange spheres gives you focus. Gain any 1 WIS SPELL. That SPELL dwells within the beads, and only fails on a natural 1.

  • MASK OF THE AVATAR: A mask of the spirit or god you embody. Gain 2 WIS SPELLS. If the mask is lost, it returns in D8 rounds, unless the spirits feel betrayed. Increase by one step the either range, damage, or area of effect of each spell.

Themes, Tags, and Paths

I actually needed something like this for a game I’m running, this is awesome. Thanks for doing this. Are you planning a WarpShell version too?


I’m so glad! I’d like to do Warpshell, but I need to double check the quickstart guide to see if any of the Warpshell stuff is in there, as I don’t want to post the someone else’s IP on the forum.


Have confirmed WS is in Quickstart, so I can give it the treatment! Wheee!


Sweet, I’m looking forward to it for sure. I cant wait to use this for my Type-less games