A bit of Cyber Art


Some art for an upcoming Cyber Heroic project.
Let me know what you think.



Sweet stuff! As always :slightly_smiling_face::beers:


Looks like typical Runners to me :wink:


You’re right. I need more fighting poses. We ain’t runnin’ from nuffin! We’re big bad ass HEROES, is what we are! :grin:


Looks great my friend! Can’t wait to see what else you draw.


For that much running, you need to have Tom Cruise in there somewhere.
(Those who don’t get the joke, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aloOiE3B1I)

Joking aside, what do I think? I think these are very noice!


Heck yeah! I love the action and movement in the scenes.


Dude these are awesome! Great job with these action shots. Can’t wait to see more.


Dynamic, nice :ok_hand: