1d100 Character Relationships to Start Your Campaign



Get 1d100 character relationship ideas here.

I started using the above table of 1d100 character relationships to start campaigns.

I wanted to get over the initial awkwardness of, “Why would these characters work together?,” that I have seen before. I also frequently have players who don’t know each other as well, and using the below table creates something that two players can quickly share between there characters to get the RPG gears turning.

I normally try to make sure each character has at least one relationship to another character.

A rolled result might not fit with someone’s planned character concept. I normally try to encourage a loose interpretation of a rolled result, or tell folks they have broad lee-way to interpret the rolled result. But if all else fails, then they could fudge and re-roll. If you’re worried it won’t fit your group, check with them first and get buy in. But as with all things, YMMV.


It’s beautiful but once in game when each of the player characters have a connection with another character.
How do you make it relevant? Because in my reality I am my sister’s brother but we would never have been working together. Even less go fight a monster. We were still arguing.

When I work, I have no relationship with other employees. This devolves during the time we spend working together on a project. Takes time to make friends.

So when the group of player characters is so disparate. As at the moment, I have six players who have: a gnome, a draconian, a human, a dwarf, an efle and tortoise. Difficult to explain a relationship between them.

Should make a specific table for them. In order to invent a relationship whereby the draconian kept the tortoise egg believing it to be one of them. What makes the tortoise become the adopted son of the draconian who taught him everything.

Once in play, it means that the draconian will have to choose to save his loving son before saving another companion.

Given their relationship of father and adopted son will they have a bonus in a fight, or will they be more afraid of losing one or the other.

Because all well and good, to be brother and sister but our arguments, did not give us a bonus to do our work. :wink:


Ah! I really like this. At the beginning of my current campaign, I asked the players to spend some time brainstorming on this question (they did a great job!). Had I been able to hand them this table, though, it might have made things easier. I’m going to be using this in the future! Thank you.


You could connect these PCs through mutual NPCs. A shared world and shared community can go a long way to knitting the party together.